
Hi everyone! well I've been kind of sneaking around on MFP for about two weeks now, reading peoples posts and logging my food (well trying to) and I thought its about time I introduce myself. My name is Mara and I'm in Northeast Ohio. I'm coming up on my 32 (egads!) birthday ( in 5 days actually) and am feeling its time to get this extra weight off.... I thought I was doing good for awhile My sister and I would walk our dogs every day but we moved into a house with a fenced in yard so now we don't walk the dogs any more... my work has all sorts of weight management things they offer and I try to get involved as much as I can. I did yoga for a while and weight watchers, now we have meetings that are kind of like weight watchers but not. but once I'm home from work I lose all motivation it seems. but since I've joined MFP i have lost some weight and i feel good about it, but its only through what I eat. I want to be more active but lack the motivation....I really want to learn how to "properly" use the heavy bag we have in the basement... :)