Zumba rant!!

Why is it that, whenever I'm really looking forward to something, it somehow gets ruined. I was so looking forward to Zumba tonight. I had a very trying day today at work but I wouldn't let myself get tired because I knew I wanted to strut my stuff in Zumba class tonight.

It's a very crowded class but I actually got a spot towards the front and center! I thought, great, I can see the teacher. I can see if I've actually been doing the right moves all this time. Then SHE came in. SHE is a very young petite teenage girl. Although very petite, she seemed to take up the whole room! No matter where I went her stupid ponytail was in my face!! She was all over the place and all I was doing was trying to dodge her. Sure I was still a good workout the not what I wanted. She almost hit me in the face a couple of times!!! My plan: between songs I'll grab a quick drink of water and then find another spot in the room. No such luck... I got squeezed out at every attempt and ended up staring the the back of her stupid head the whole time. UGH!!!

Have you ever had someone in class that has no sense of other people's personal space??


  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    I took Zumba a couple times and I was trying to see the teacher. Every time I went in, this old lady in a sparkly gold leotard would get between me and the teacher. She knows all the routines. It's not like she needs to see. But every time she would get right up there, front row. And wherever I stood, she was blocking my view. I gave up. I do crossfit now.
  • loopie2534
    I haven't tried a class because I feel so uncoordinated when I do Zumba. I really enjoy the game with multiple routines on it for the PS3 and then I can look like an uncoordinated idiot at home :)
  • winodini
    winodini Posts: 135 Member
    I haven't tried zumba at my gym for this very reason; the class is entirely too crowded to be effective.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    dont give up! some people are just very territorial about their "spots" I used to jazzercise and it was the same way. just keep going if you like it and you will find your spot and try to get there earlier. if she keeps getting in your way, a little arm or elbow will work just fine to get her out of your space! and some people dont get that you need a little more area so you may have to try the other side of the room
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    i can totally relate...I am also unfortunately the one that tends to take up a lot more room when moving, LOL. I have on occasion collided with others, they now give me a bit more space. I know the moves, so I throw myself into it. And apparently, throw myself around!

    If the classes are that crowded, they aught to limit the number of participants. If enough people complain of the over crowding, perhaps they will add another class?

    And I HATE it when my zumba work out is crapped on by others. I left after a class the other night soooo angry. Some dork kept proping open the front and back doors and leaving them. at one point, I could actually see my breath. I could not move enough because I was shivering, missed a song because I had to put socks and shoes on (normally we go barefoot, it is a cushioned floor) and closing the doors, someone takes my spot....after the 60 minute class, I wasn't even sweating. I complained. A LOT. no one touches the doors without the instructor or owner's permission. :happy:

    Since we are ranting anyway...I get very annoyed at those that come to try the master classes, do a half assed job of it, mostly making fun of the moves etc., and look at the rest of us, covered in sweat, like we are aliens. "I don't get it, it's not much of a workout..." Really? then why is the instructor soaked in sweat? why is every woman who's not hear to pick up guys, covered in sweat? why are the two guys who take the class (one is a black belt in tae-kwon-do, the other is an ex-marine), covered in sweat?
  • lthomas42
    lthomas42 Posts: 73 Member
    Yup! And honestly I just flat out say something to them. It can be a challenge to speak out, but she's probably clueless because no one has said anything. Just politely say "can you please just be aware of how close you're getting to me? I'm afraid one of us will get injured, and it's interfering with my workout." Most normal people will be totally understanding.

    Every once in a while you get the complete *kitten* who wont listen. So you shove your way into their space. Hard. They usually smarten up then.
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    I've been there, done that! Hope I haven't been that person! I always pick the front row, because we learn new stuff all the time, and I want to see. Plus, there's a couple of girls that are certified Zumba instructors that my beloved teacher let's lead beside her, and for some reason, I can't follow them.
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    True story, funny story,
    My friend, Amanda, got certified, moved out of state, and started up her own Zumba classes. She Facebooked that she was leading the class with her back to the students. She looked to the right over her shoulder, everyone's ok, following along. She looked to her left, everythings fine...
    She looked back to the right, and Bam!
    Her ponytail got stuck in her armpit!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Have you ever been to Roller Derby? I'm thinking a well-placed hip could do the trick...
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I love Zumba! I take 4 classes a week, but must admit I do covet my spot..It's kind of understood that we don't take people's spots in my world tho..good luck, I would definitely get there early and make ur arms really big if she gets too close :)
  • daydream58
    daydream58 Posts: 572 Member
    I haven't tried a class because I feel so uncoordinated when I do Zumba. I really enjoy the game with multiple routines on it for the PS3 and then I can look like an uncoordinated idiot at home :)

    LOL! This!
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    I took Zumba a couple times and I was trying to see the teacher. Every time I went in, this old lady in a sparkly gold leotard would get between me and the teacher. She knows all the routines. It's not like she needs to see. But every time she would get right up there, front row. And wherever I stood, she was blocking my view. I gave up. I do crossfit now.

    :laugh: :laugh: This made me laugh out loud. Love it!
  • Kyliechristie
    Man - I cannot think of anywhere else I would rather NOT be than up front and centre in a Zumba class. I head for the back and try and look invisible! Then I am not singled out and told to shake my boobies.

    My advice - switch to pump. LOL
  • MarySunshine70
    Man - I cannot think of anywhere else I would rather NOT be than up front and centre in a Zumba class. I head for the back and try and look invisible! Then I am not singled out and told to shake my boobies.

    My advice - switch to pump. LOL

    Wouldn't happen to me no matter where I stood... nothing to shake! ):
  • Just_Bethy
    I do Zumba and had the same thing happen to me...After the 3rd routine I got up grabbed my stuff..and walked out...I am 43..I am too old to do something I am not enjoying..I don't have to be rude about it like I would have 20 years ago...but I don't have to suck it up either...LOL...That's the way I roll these days.
  • AnnaMaus
    AnnaMaus Posts: 167 Member
    If it's not the elephant (large or small) in the middle of the room, it's the rapid-fire pace with total lack of instruction, the looks of frustration on everyone's faces, the cheesy music...

    I hate Zumba.
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    This is exactly why I do NOT go to classes like this...between the crowded rooms and the annoyances so well documented here...I get more irritated than worth it. I guess I don't play well with others. This is probably why my exercises of choice are: cycling; running.

    I mostly cycle alone and always run alone. When I cycle with others we always do our own pace and meet up along the way. Works for me and I don't get irritated.