Almost 30

I recently turned 29 and realized (once again) this is not where I thought I would be in my life, and this is not the size I thought I would be. I've always been on the big size and over the years I've watched myself expand. I've always read that at a certain age it becomes harder to loose weight. This is becoming longer that it was suppose to be Long story short I'm wanting to go all out for my 30 Birthday and I have one year to get there so after a year on this site on again and off again I'm ready to do this, and even if I'm not ready I'm gonna do it anyways, because I don't want to turn 30 and think, this isn't where I want to be!


  • ahedrick99
    ahedrick99 Posts: 68 Member
    Good luck! You can do this!!!
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    Happy belated birthday! I turned 30 this year and it is finally the year where I am getting back into shape. Welcome aboard! :D
  • JaeDeeCaterpillar
    JaeDeeCaterpillar Posts: 21 Member
    Good for you on starting your journey now. I just turned 30 a few days ago and wish I had gotten serious a year ago. The beginning of your post sounds a lot like the beginning of the blog I just started on here.

    Good luck! I hope in a year you're able to have that birthday you envision.
  • chai_latte
    chai_latte Posts: 94 Member
    Haha I was thinking along the same lines!! :)

    I am 28 - I turn 30 in 2013 and I have told myself I do not want to ring in my 30s with "excess luggage" and have decided to be dedicated to making myself healthy. It's a lifestyle change.

    From what I can remember that last 6-7 years have been horrible in my eating habits and to barely any exercise filled with excuses of being a student, studying, exams etc. but no more excuses if I want to see myself happy and healthy :)

    Good luck to you and to the rest of us!
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I turn 31 in March and I have to say that at 30 I finally feel as though I've figured out this exercise and healthy eating in a way that is good for me. It definitely feels good, and I encourage everyone to stick with it-no matter what age.
  • Hello, I signed up today! I am 29 years old, a stay at home mom of 2 little girls, and am trying to lose 80 lbs! (230 down to 150) Be grateful that you have a year...I have messed around and GAINED weight the last few weeks, and now I only have 7 months until the big 3-0. I would like to use those 7 months to get as healthy as I can so I can start my 30s in a good place, even if I'm not at my goal. I would love to be friends on MFP so we can support each other!
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    Me too-just turned 29. I don't want to see 30 the way I am now! Feel free to add me for support.
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    Me too I just turned 29 on the 26th. I don't want to be here at 30! add me if you want
  • Well....for a girl whose weight has definitely fluctuated over the past few years..I hear ya!! Being 30 has been a good year but the scale has definitely reflected the weight gain from not taking care of myself this year. I turn 31 in the end of January (ooooh goodness) and it is my mission to make sure that being 31 is a healthier year for me!! I want to lose 35 pounds by my birthday!

    Add me as a friend....I am here to support and would love to see the progress that you are making along the way!!
  • Getting in shape really isn't as hard as it seems, it's staying in shape that's been tricky for me. I turn 30 in late January. Lol. I've been fluctuating on my weight for the last couple of months, but going down on my measurements, so I don't feel like I'm doing too bad. :) Its the holidays. If I can maintain, I'll be ok with it. I've been using the calorie counter for a little while, but I'm new to the forum. I'll support you in the journey. It can be tough from time to time, but you can do it.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Welcome! I had a very similar experience. I started on here a few months after my 29th birthday when I realized that I didn't want to be where I was then (weight and health-wise) by the time I'm 30. Although I won't be reaching my ultimate weight goal by my 30th birthday (I still have about 15 more pounds to go and there's only 2 more months!), I'm determined to make my 30s healthier than my 20s!
  • Raebug123
    Raebug123 Posts: 79 Member
    Thank you all for the support and the new friends. It helps to know others have the same mind frame. Let's me know I'm not alone.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Welcome!! I'm in that same age range, soon to be 29 in Feb. And it's an awesome goal to have and you can definitely do it! Using mfp, for the first time I weigh what I weighed in high school, which just boggles my mind! Feel free to add me for some extra support/motivation
  • I'm 38 and it kicks *kitten*..........