I'm getting ceazy,,, give me a hand!

Hello Dears,

I'm just new to myfitnesspal program and i started to understood some diet knowledge specially that related to calories,,, my problem that i have to only consume 1320 cal/day,,, BUT when i stat to read Nutrition information of the food i want to eat i got STUCK...

for example i want to eat one digestive biscuit of one type the Nutrition of one 14.3g biscuit i fount that it contain 60 KCal,,, OMG... so how this come, and are there a different meaning between calories in Nutrition and calories we need to get per day???


  • Lindsayrob
    Lindsayrob Posts: 247 Member
    I guess the answer to that one is don't eat too many digestive biscuits! Keep them for treats and fill up on the lower cal stuff, like fruit and veg.
    And don't forget you can exercise to earn extra calories too!
    And no, all calories are the same.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    1320 seems low for a man. Maybe you've set yourself up to loose too much a week? If you haven't already, set your profile to lose 1lb a week.
  • Cardio is the answer. I do 30 minutes of cardio or circuit training 6 days a week. (I didn't start that high). My allowable caloric intake is 1800 per day because of the cardio. That still allows weight loss. I can eat three healthy meals a day plus snacks. Fruits/vegetables/lean meats (fish and chicken breast give the fewest calories)/grains...it's actually a lot of food if you cut out the breads and sweets. There is even room for the occasional beer.

    Experiment with different foods. Be patient.

  • meshellmybell76
    meshellmybell76 Posts: 139 Member
    60K calories is not 60,000 calories if that is what you are thinking! 60K calories is the same as 60 calories! And this American lady is curious about these "digestive biscuits"!
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Digestive biscuits are basically a sugar cookie - sometimes dipped in chocolate. I'm American but we purchase these at a local Scottish shop. Very tasty. There may be other types as well.

    My husband just recently joined MFP and was horrified at calorie counts and nutrition numbers on a lot of the food he was eating. It's a culture shock, but something we all need to learn about. I think that's one of the reasons many of us have weight problems - we know what tastes good, but we don't really know what we're eating.
  • kducky22
    kducky22 Posts: 276 Member
    My husband just recently joined MFP and was horrified at calorie counts and nutrition numbers on a lot of the food he was eating. It's a culture shock, but something we all need to learn about. I think that's one of the reasons many of us have weight problems - we know what tastes good, but we don't really know what we're eating.

    ^^^^ This ^^^^

    When I first joined MFP I was amazed at how many calories everything was!! Now that you know how many calires those biscuits are, go back to all the times you would eat 10 in one sitting (600 CALORIES!!!) annnnnndddddd thats why we are now on MFP... I had the same problem, but after a couple months you'll learn what is good and what is not good, and how to estimate better how many calories there are in something.

    Good luck on your journey! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • 60K calories is not 60,000 calories if that is what you are thinking! 60K calories is the same as 60 calories! And this American lady is curious about these "digestive biscuits"!

    Wrong. The K in kcal stands for 1000, so 60 kcal is 60,000 calories. But in laymans terms, kcal is just called calorie, and is infact 1000 times the unit calorie, which is how much energy you need to heat water one degree.

    So, if you're aiming at 1400 kcal (which is a nice diet-goal) a day, you're actually eating 1,400,000 calories. But the human body is high maintenance. :)

    If you want to have more room for calories I wouldn't do cardio, I'd lift weights. Then you also don't get the flabby I-just-lost-a-lot-of-weight look people tend to get, and less chance of floppy skin. But weights usually require a gym, and if you don't have that, cardio is better than nothing.
  • NaomiLyn15
    NaomiLyn15 Posts: 388 Member
    1320 seems low for a man. Maybe you've set yourself up to loose too much a week? If you haven't already, set your profile to lose 1lb a week.

    I agree, 1320 is really low for a man. You should lower your goals, because at that weight you are going to put yourself into starvation mode and everything you do will be counterproductive. That is not enough to sustain you.
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    60K calories is not 60,000 calories if that is what you are thinking! 60K calories is the same as 60 calories! And this American lady is curious about these "digestive biscuits"!

    Wrong. The K in kcal stands for 1000, so 60 kcal is 60,000 calories. But in laymans terms, kcal is just called calorie, and is infact 1000 times the unit calorie, which is how much energy you need to heat water one degree.

    So, if you're aiming at 1400 kcal (which is a nice diet-goal) a day, you're actually eating 1,400,000 calories. But the human body is high maintenance. :)

    If you want to have more room for calories I wouldn't do cardio, I'd lift weights. Then you also don't get the flabby I-just-lost-a-lot-of-weight look people tend to get, and less chance of floppy skin. But weights usually require a gym, and if you don't have that, cardio is better than nothing.

    If you only lift weights you have to do HIGH intensity and lift heavy. I suggest 20 -30 minutes of intense cardio (heart rate 70-80% of max) and a good weight program.

    I don't count most calories burned during lifting, even though my heart rate is 60-70%. I take about 1/3 the amount of calories my HRM gives me.
  • hsabrey
    hsabrey Posts: 3 Member
    dears,,, really I'm happy to receive your replies!

    dear meshellmybell76: Yes! you catch exactly what i want to ask, thanks dear ;-) for these digestive biscuits it is gullon digestive with orange and soya as i guess, actually the packet is in Spanish language.

    dear futureSkinnyV: i spent about 2 hours searching to find a root information of this issue and i guess this link will be usefull for all of us http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calories