Why is this not working...



  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Looking at your diary it looks as if you are not eating enough. I would suggest less off the little snacks you have listed (even though they are healthy) and MORE complete well balanced meals. You may not feel hungry because you're eating little snacks here and there.

    Also....have you invested in a food scale to assure that you are measuring everything and I mean everything done to a tic tac correctly. I lot of people (including myself when I first started MFP) have a tendency to under estimate calorie intake and over estimate calories burned.

    Also, as you have said, invest in a HRM so you know exactly what you are burning.

    Start tracking your sodium if you haven't already done so.

    And, as always check with your doctor to see if there is an underlying medical condition causing your plateau.

    But you have already lost 32 pounds and that is awesome! Plateaus do happen....trying changing up diet and the exercises you do too.
  • iKristine
    iKristine Posts: 288 Member
    So eventhough you burn/eat less than 3500 cals a week why am I not losing a lb or anything? You can look at my food journal.. I believe I am making the right choices and sometimes my workouts dont show as much as I do on here because I don't know how to log them.. I need a HRM I know but... geesh!
    So eventhough you burn/eat less than 3500 cals a week why am I not losing a lb or anything? You can look at my food journal.. I believe I am making the right choices and sometimes my workouts dont show as much as I do on here because I don't know how to log them.. I need a HRM I know but... geesh!

    I looked at your diary. A few things, your calories could be fine. Especially if your not extremely active. 1200-1300 calories has and does work regularly for alot of people. The misconception comes in when people try to justify that within themselves that it becomes misleading. Those people likely burn 500 calories a day which case your defeceit could easily become 1500! Heres the fact. Depending on how much your losing, the more weight the more stringent you can be.

    If you need to lose 100 lbs. You could eat 1200 calories and work out few times week moderate intensity like walking fast pace and lose weight steadily. Someone who's 20 lbs this wouldnt work. The contestants on the biggest loser were on 800 cal diets and burning 500-1000 day! if not more. So starvation mode isn't a black white <1200 cal min.

    Heres the thing I notice off the bat. The quality of foods your eating. EX: Yoplait/Dannon yogurt. Highly processed foods. Why not try Greek Gods, or another organic not heavily processed food with high probiotics. This will not only help with digestion but it restores the healthy bacteria necessary for hormones and for digestive tract. It also can help you gain the essential nutrients from the foods you do eat while your reducing calories. And since your really not eating alot, you NEED to get all the nutrients you can from the foods you do!

    Go whole grain. And I don't mean wheat at subways. Any wheat bread you buy from a store, or get from any restaurant is not true wheat. Its processed 75/25 at best. 75 WHITE! and 25 wheat full of artificial ingredients. True wheat should have <6 ingredients. Usually a local bread and its heavy too! 2lbs loafs. Don't even bother getting wheat at Subways, it's just about the same as white. SERIOUS. If you have a Great Harvest in your area, you can see what I mean. But usually any local bakery offers these.

    Greens are free. Don't count green veggies, unless you eat 2 huge bags a day. It's really not cal dense, but nutrient rich!

    I would re-evaluate your shopping list. Your cutting cals, and making healthier choices. But your still buying processed foods. Which is faux foods. You need to be buying everything from the periphery of the grocer. This is hard, cause people don't like to prepare meals. But the fact is the more basic you go, the more tighter your machine will run.

    Just try this for a week. See how not only you feel but how you deal with hunger. Kellogs/processed don't care what the marketing says. Motts/processed again, Subway is healthier than McDs but again processed and full sodium nitrate. Soups are Okay, but they should NEVER be a meal replacement unless it's dinner.

    Pay close attention to protein. And not just days your working out. Protein is needed for so many body functions that it's too important to pass up. You need your machine at it's best!

    If your cutting cals, you need to be eating the best QUALITY foods possible. Black beans, spinach, fruits, veggies, nuts, probiotic foods, lean or fatty meats, as long as they are no hormone, no antibiotic. <--- this is tricky, (all natural isnt the same thing) It needs to say no hormones, antibiotics! Walmart does offer this. You need to change your mindset and your relationship with food. Your halfway there!

    Eat to live, and since this is the mantra, make every precaution that what your eating is the best there is! You'll notice your metabolism shoot through the roof, you'll gain energy, passion and be the best version of yourself you can be. And this is all before you exercise!
  • spookiewon
    spookiewon Posts: 59 Member
    But you are MALE and she is FEMALE, and losing weight for men isn't the same as losing weight for women. Men and women can encourage each other, but advice from a man isn't going to work for a woman.
  • spookiewon
    spookiewon Posts: 59 Member
    And is shouldn't be about size. It should be about health.
  • jsv454
    jsv454 Posts: 30 Member
    Based on looking at your diary, I would suggest lowering your carbs and upping the protein and healthy fats. Several people have listed good sources of healthy fats already, so I won't go in-depth, but switching to full-fat dairy and cutting out processed carbs would give you more energy and also lead to weight-loss as your body holds onto fat reserves when there's not enough (healthy) fats coming in.

    I follow the Primal/Paleo lifestyle, and have lost over 30 lbs in a month, plus I have dramatically increased energy and have cut my prescription meds in half. I rarely eat more than 1,000 calories a day, but I have boundless energy! I don't want to sound like an advertisement, but I feel so great, that I just want to share with everyone else so they can feel great, too :) My daily food intake includes eggs, unprocessed meat, tons of veggies, some fruit, and yummy full-fat dairy like butter and cream. The pounds are just falling off!

    Anyway, if you interested in learning more about Primal/Paleo, check out www.marksdailyapple.com and feel free to friend/message me.

    You are doing great work, so don't give up on yourself!

  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    People keep saying to eat my exercise calories back.. but most of the time I am within like 200 cals.. so really eating another subway sandwich (for example) I don't feel like is going to help.. but I guess I will try that idea..

    If you're not that hungry, don't eat another Subway sandwich. Do like @SmallerBecky said: Eat some nuts or other healthy proteins/fats. It doesn't take very many Almonds, which are awesome for you, to hit 200 calories. Or an avocado. You can consume 200 healthful calories without any effort at all if you look in the right places, and you don't have to feel extra full to do it.
  • Hi Ashley,

    Wow you are busy with the little ones! Congratulations on losing the 32 pounds! You have lost a lot of weight so you are certainly doing something right. Your body has likely hit a plateau. As for the heart rate monitor save yourself the money and periodically check your pulse while timing it against the second hand on your watch.
    I took a look at your food diary and it looks like you are eating well but it looks like you snack a lot. Even though it is healthy food the habit of snacking is a hard one to break. One thing I noticed is you are always under your calories. This in fact could be working against you. Your body needs a minimum amount of calories to function properly. When your body is not getting enough energy (calories) it goes into survival mode and actually burns muscle before it burns fat. It thinks you are starving; this is how the human body is programmed. So you may think you are doing great by being under your goal by as much as 500 calories you are actually hurting yourself. You are burning a lot of calories according to your exercise journal so under eating and the high exertion could be doing more harm than good. The more muscle you have the more calories you will burn even sitting still. One pound of muscle take up the same amount of space as 5 pounds of fat so don’t just look at the scale but also how your clothes are fitting.
    Secondly is water. It doesn't look like you are drinking the 8 glasses per day. What are you drinking? I didn't see any beverages recorded. Many people don't think about this. I knew of a woman who was having the same problem, upon talking with her nutritionist it turned out she was drinking 8 mountain dews a day! That’s about 1000 calories per day. If you are drinking diet soda or diet anything stop. Diet drinks actually make you MORE thirsty and hungry. Generally speaking soda is bad for you. I get sick of drinking water too, I purchase sparkling water my favorite is Pellegrino. To change things up get some drink mixes to add flavor. There are many out there that actually have some nutrition to them. If you have trouble drinking the 64 ounces of water a day here's my trick - I keep a 1 liter bottle of water with me all the time and refill it. Drinking 2 a day is the water you need. By always having the water at hand you will sip it all day. This also helps with hunger and cutting back on snacking.
    I also noticed you eat a lot of pre-packed, processed, or prepared meals as opposed to home made. I cannot imagine how hard it is to take care of your kids and make healthy meals. The problem with pre-packaged food is the sodium is usually super high. This retains water and added to not drinking enough water will result in no reduction in your waistline. It’s hard to cook and take care of a family. There are many quick, less than 30 minutes to prep, and easy, no more than 5 ingredients, recipes out there. Get in the habit of making your own food. It’s cheaper and healthier. Then you also have leftovers – I bring mine to work for lunch. Cooking Light is great, they have recipes for special occasions too.
    Lastly, the weight didn’t come on over night so it’s not going to go away over night. Slow, steady weight loss will last a life time, it’s also better for your body overall. Shows like the Biggest Loser are a bad representation of weight loss, it is an extreme. More than half of the contestants gain the weight back within 1 year. Remember, slow and steady wins the race 
    If you don’t subscribe to magazines I suggest Woman’s Health and Shape. They are filled with great advice, information, questions, and diet and exercise suggestions.
    Dr. Oz is a big fad right now but it is only because he is preaching what has been known by the medical and nutrition communities for years. Oprah just brought it to pop culture, which is great. He had an article in Time about a month ago, it was the cover story and covered food. You can likely find it on their website.
    And my last piece of advice, limit dairy to 3 servings per day, for example, 1 yogurt, one serving of milk, and one serving of cheese. If you put milk in your pb smoothie that counts, the cheese on your sub is another and the cottage cheese is the third. I highly recommend coconut water, such as Vita Coco or Zico, they taste the best. Coconut water is low in calories but has more potassium than a banana AND is a great way to get the needed liquid you need for a smoothie without the calories of juice.
  • I started reading these posts after I responded. Eveyone is giving REALLY good advice. I recommend finding you BMR, Base Metaboli Rate. This is how many calories your boday needs to survive even if you stayed in bed all day (to avoid starvation mode) Here is a link www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator
    Enter the info - age, weight, activity level, and it calculates the BMR. From that number subtract 500 calories, this equates to losing one pound per week with out excercise. If you excercise you will be able to eat more while still losing weight. the safe and healthy way to lose weight is 1 to 2 pounds per week. As I mentioned in my other post slow and steady wins the race :)
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    Just to throw this out there, it could not be tied to food at all (which was the case with me). My body was not absorbing enough oxygen and my metabolic threshold was a little lower than most on account of allergies. I have to do specific HRM workouts gears to my threshold to lose weight. I had watched my calories, ate back what I worked off, and only lost 2lbs in a matter of 3 months. I was doing intense cardio and felt in shape, but no weight/size change.

    I did metabolic and VO2 testing and that's when they saw what was going on. I had to drop down to just like walks instead of intense cardio (BOOORING), but, I dropped 15lbs in a month and a half and knew it was working. Might be a possibility for you to look at also.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    Do you have any disease or metabolic syndrome?
    Nope been tested I have PCOS (poly systic ovarian syndrome) but I don't think that has anything to do with weight loss

    Actually, PCOS has LOTS to do with weight loss! PCOS makes it much harder to lose weight. You should really eat much like a diabetic would (whole grains, low-carb, no sugar). You might also want to talk to your doctor about putting you on Metformin (or Glucophage--same drug, but Metformin is the generic). It helps with the insulin resistance and can help you lose weight more effectively.

    Search the groups for PCOS. There is a group over there (I think they call themselves Soul Cysters); they can probably answer MANY questions for you. My PCOS is mild, so I'm not having major trouble losing, but if you are, your PCOS may very well have a lot to do with it. Your doctor should have explained that to you; if he/she didn't, you may want to seek a second opinion.
  • DonziGirl
    DonziGirl Posts: 9 Member
    As the others said about PCOS, it does have a lot to do with weight loss. I literally could not lose weight until my doctors finally figured out that diagnosis. I am insulin resistant (as that generally goes hand in hand with PCOS). My doctor told me to eat like a diabetic would (manage carbs and keep them lower). I am also on Metformin to control my insulin. Once I changed my eating to manage carbs I dropped 80 lbs in about a year. I'm working to lose the rest now.
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    You've lost 32 lbs. what do you mean its not working?