Just Starting HELP

Im in need for some motivation and help. I need some dinner ideas and snack ideas please..Thanks and i am looking forward to becoming a healthy active parent,.


  • tam823
    tam823 Posts: 85 Member
    Congrats on starting!! One of my favorite snacks lately is a fruit smoothie. The ingrediants are:

    1 c. Greek Plain Yogurt
    3/4 c. mixed berry frozen fruit
    1 scoop protien powder
    A little milk to help it mix easier

    Throw it in the blender and you have a protien packed snack. If it is not sweet enough for you, you can put in a couple of packets of Truvia, an all natural sweetner.
    Good luck on your journey. It is so nice to have support on here!
  • khotch1
    khotch1 Posts: 99 Member
    Hey there and welcome!

    I'm new to the site, although not new to trying and get my weight under control and eating healthier!

    Some snack ides:

    the greek yogurt is yummy! I just mix mine by hand with 1 packet of truvia and it's like ice-cream (almost..lol)...but really, really good!

    low-fat string cheese with a piece of fruit
    2 hard-boiled eggs - chuck the yolk and fill with hummus
    bottom line is you should try and make your snacks a combo of fruit/veggies and protein..whatever you're lacking throughout the day.

    Dinner ideas:
    I bought myself the George Foreman family size grill and Walmart fro $39 and it is my new best friend. Eat lots of fish, chicken, very little red meat...lots of beans and veggies.

    Hope this helps you!
    Good luck! and keep moving forward!
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I think the best thing to do is to start with what you are currently eating and track it. In order to stay within your calorie limit, cut your portions in probably half and make sure to add lots of veggies to fill you up. A good rule of thumb is 4 or 5 ounces of protein. 1/2 cup or so of starch, and all the veggies you can muster.

    Don't make things overly difficult or you won't stick with it.
  • Starlamoore
    Starlamoore Posts: 8 Member
    So try and stay away from red meats? How do you cook fish I just bought some yesterday at Kroger any seasoning or anything not sure if i will like it never had real fish before except for breaded fish.lol
  • Starlamoore
    Starlamoore Posts: 8 Member
    THank YOu!
  • willidewbaby
    willidewbaby Posts: 26 Member
    The easiest way to cook fish is to bake it. Depending on the fish using salt, pepper, lemon and maybe some cayenne pepper.
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    Try looking at the menus of people with open diaries. Mine is open, you can see the good bad and ugly.
    Good luck. Stick with healthy eating and exercise and you can do this. Just remember, it is not a diest but a lifestyle change.
  • RockyYbarra
    my name is rocky! and im looking for friends to go with me on my way to a new LIFE!!!.... plz add me ( any1 ).... i need all the help i can get!!...
  • Goingnuts2
    Goingnuts2 Posts: 160 Member
    never had real fish before except for breaded fish.lol

    If you're new to fish, my suggestion would be go with a mild fish like Haddock or a Tuna Filet. Tuna Filet is best grilled, Haddock baked.
  • Gemmageldmacher
    Gemmageldmacher Posts: 45 Member
    One of our favorite fish dishes is cod or haddock (or similar white fish), drizzle with a little bit of lemon olive oil (or extra virgin olive oil with a spritz of lemon) and some fresh or dried dill, then broil for about 5 min, til the fish is opaque and flaky. There are also a ton of great Weight Watchers cookbooks out there, including one that specializes in 30 min or less recipes!! Have fun!
  • EddieG77
    EddieG77 Posts: 185 Member
    CONGRATS on taking the first steps!! The people here are simply fantastic!! Will send you a request!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!
  • yabbo24497
    yabbo24497 Posts: 34 Member
    Getting started is the hardest part! I didn't start that long ago either and I'm finding the site VERY helpful. Not only am I holding myself accountable for everything, but I'm finding monitoring myself interesting because I can see the nutrient breakout and things that I actually need to change. I've always been active and played sports so I knew my problem had to be what I was eating. Before I joined, I had tried weightwatchers and saw no change. I went to multiple nutritionists only to hear that I wasn't eating badly and that maybe it was genetics. I refuse to give up and allow genetics to rule me! I'm finally seeing a change and I'm on a 1-2 lb per week weight loss and I'm so happy! My one weakness is my sweet tooth. So, for lunch I split a sweet potato with one of my co-workers with nothing on it and it's delicious!
  • myskinnyyear
    myskinnyyear Posts: 70 Member
    Try some of the fish recipes on Tasteofhome.com or the foodnetwork.com.
    I have 2 of the comfort food Diet cookbooks from Taste of Home, and they are awesome. Most of my meals come from them. I just had fish the other night. You can bread the fish with Panko to give it some crunch when baked. Just some salt, pepper, and I usually add some lemon pepper as well. Awesome. I also only use a saucer as my dinner plate now, and no seconds. Looks like you've got more than what you really do, and I'm satisfied, although if your eating bulky veggies like Broccoli, you might want to rethink that, but it works for me.
  • yabbo24497
    yabbo24497 Posts: 34 Member
    Citrus Grilled Chicken

    Just slice a lemon or orange and put it on top and underneath boneless skinless chicken breast and throw on a grill or foreman. If you're using a grill, you can wrap it in alminum foil and grill so it holds the flavor. Then you can serve over salad or with some Quinoa (insead of rice, and it's very tasty)
  • yabbo24497
    yabbo24497 Posts: 34 Member
    If you cook fish with lemon it'll take away from the sometimes fishy taste.
  • mishmash73
    mishmash73 Posts: 166 Member
    My cheat meal which is healthy - cottage cheese, a few dried cranberries, almonds and then pineapple or mandarin oranges. Costco has these amazing tortilla crusted... or chipotle crusted tilapia fillets that are only 150 calories each & I eat them over costco stir fry vegetables... when i did atkins eons ago, i couldn't eat carbs so i missed my cottage cheese. now that's my 'cheat' meal on this new healthy eating... and it's not even a cheat really.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    dinner ideas:


    more dinner ideas:


    snack ideas:

    Somersaults (love these things...a healthy, crunchy snack that has no nuts)
    protein powder mixed with water
    nut butter
    nuts (I don't eat nuts since I'm allergic to them, but them are a healthy snack)