Run, fat girl, run!

So, I started Couch to 5K last night. It was great, but in my neighborhood there is a lot of traffic. I was super annoyed that it seemed like every time it was time to run a car seemed to come around the corner and inevitably they all slowed down with their lights shining on me. I'm sure it's my own lack of self confidence, but seriously I felt like I was being gawked at. I wanted to put a sign on my back that said "What? Never seen a fat girl run?" Yikes. Someone has a chip on their shoulder (me).
Ever feel like that or am I just a crazy woman?


  • lace0211
    lace0211 Posts: 53 Member
    Lot's of times! It's just your mind getting to you! Just think you are doing this for yourself not anyone else!
  • Scott_P
    Scott_P Posts: 95 Member
    Running is a mental game, dont let it get to you. You are doing something that people just talk about but rarely have the guts to do. Be proud! Congrats on your first steps and keep running!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    If I see a runner I slow down so as not to hit them.
  • Lsqueezy
    Lsqueezy Posts: 128
    I knew I was a crazy person. I'm sure it was like Elizabeth said that people were slowing down to give me room!
  • Lsqueezy
    Lsqueezy Posts: 128
    Running is a mental game, dont let it get to you. You are doing something that people just talk about but rarely have the guts to do. Be proud! Congrats on your first steps and keep running!

    And you are exactly right! Every time I felt like I was being gawked at I thought to myself at least I'm out here doing it and in a few months these people are going to see me running and think to themselves, is that the girl that I used to see that was chunky? Wow.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I don't like to be seen running either, still don't after doing this for months, but lucky for me we have green belt trails where I am a bit hidden. Or I run the streets early in the morning when most are still sleeping.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I slow down for the runners/walkers/bike riders as well. I think it's in your mind. I always think "I wish I could do that!" when I see them. I'm on Week 8 now so I can!! Keep going! Who cares what anyone thinks any way.
  • cloneme_losehalf
    cloneme_losehalf Posts: 356 Member
    Yes, I know the feeling. I did my first 8K. Planned on walking it from the very start. I wanted to quit before the first mile. Thought to myself "what am I doing out here with these people?" Even at the end I felt devestated. I reached my goal and that was to make sure I walked less than a 20 min mile. This was my first event, no training, etc. Thought it was a pretty good goal. Seeing the finish line, knowing I pushed through was my only few minutes of happiness. I knew the battle I was battling. But my blog following shows I learned something from it! This is not about living up to societies stereotype of what they thing I should be. It is about getting out there and doing/being who I am and what I want to be.
  • AngelaLVGJN
    AngelaLVGJN Posts: 39 Member
    I feel that way sometimes...but then I think about how I act when I see people running.
    1. I slow down and go around them...trying to leave plenty of room.
    2. I am impressed that they are out matter what they look like.
    3. I encourage them (silently) is great exercise and I am hoping they continue.

    Don't think they are gawking....or thinking terrible things....more than likely, they are giving you some space and encouraging you!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I run after work and feeding the puppies at night, so it's around 7pm when I run, already dark. Pretty safe neighborhood but I still carry a small taser, female running alone and all.... I'm glad there aren't a lot of people out, because I like the isolation. It gives me time to think. Doesn't really bother me if there are people out except if they get in my way ;)
  • hatteraskat
    Way to go! Don't let those people ruin your run!!
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    every time I am running and thought someone was watching when I first started I pushed a little harder and ran a little faster to be Like Ya I am Doing it So What lol but that was just me
  • FunkyGranolaTree
    FunkyGranolaTree Posts: 399 Member
    You are so not alone in this thinking!! I have tried C25K twice and failed both times because of my insecurities and because of my health issues. I was always going out late at night when I would be sure no one would be around in my neighborhood... I was too embarrassed to let anyone see this fat girl struggling to jog..
  • Fabnover40Kat
    Fabnover40Kat Posts: 300 Member
    I did the C25k as well and when I forst started I felt thhe same way but it gave me motivation especially when I wanted to stop and walk. I would continue running because I didnt want people to think I couldnt run! LOL!
  • Fabnover40Kat
    Fabnover40Kat Posts: 300 Member
    I did the C25k as well and when I forst started I felt thhe same way but it gave me motivation especially when I wanted to stop and walk. I would continue running because I didnt want people to think I couldnt run! LOL!
  • olytri2012
    Most people are obsessed with themselves at the gym and in their car...and everywhere else for that matter. There are those rare few who are judging others. Usually those who judge are not participating (arm chair athletes) or are trying to put others down to elevate themselves. Neither are worth the time or effort.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Running is a mental game, dont let it get to you. You are doing something that people just talk about but rarely have the guts to do. Be proud! Congrats on your first steps and keep running!

    And you are exactly right! Every time I felt like I was being gawked at I thought to myself at least I'm out here doing it and in a few months these people are going to see me running and think to themselves, is that the girl that I used to see that was chunky? Wow.

    Yes this! I know exactly how you feel but it does get better and go away! Keep doing what you're doing!
  • Lsqueezy
    Lsqueezy Posts: 128
    Thanks for all the encouragement guys! I'm definitely not stopping! I actually just did a 5K run/walk on Thanksgiving morning and while I didn't run too much I did a little, my time was pretty pathetic, but at least I was out there. I'm already signed up for two more so there is no stopping me now!
  • soifua
    soifua Posts: 82
    one of my girlfriends told me a story: When she use to work in an office (she now works from home), she'd drive the same route to work everyday. Everyday she'd see this big girl run, she felt like she should cheer her on, roll down the window and say "you go girl", she didn't. BUT everyday, she'd see her run and because of this girl's dedication to running, my friend also saw her slim down. So the fat girl running kept losing weight. My friend told me she was literally watching this girl melt.

    Enjoy your runs, keep at it, and start melting :)
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    You can do it. I actually had someone yell "run, fat girl, run" at me when I first started. I politely gave them a way (flipped them off in my head) and kept right on going. I've also had many words of encouragement yelled at me when I'm running and those feel awesome. Don't let other people ruin your motivation. I always remember that people who yell hurtful things at me must really have something wrong in their heads. I never understood yelling hurtful and mean things at complete strangers.