Been on my plan for awhile, need new motivation

Hi all. I'm crystalblue from Texas. I've been using MyFitnessPal to log my diet and exercise for a couple of months now. Before that I was using LoseIt. I started working out in April of this year, but I've always been moderately active. I walked regularly, but before April, I wasn't getting good cardio and my diet was unhealthy. I eased into running, starting out with a lap at a time and getting to where I could run over 4 miles. I really enjoy working out and have a few different cardio workouts I try to alternate with. I'm 5'8" and 165. I feel like I would be happier with myself if I lost another 15 lbs, but for the most part I'm ok with the way I look.

Recently I feel like I've kind of burned myself out on my fitness plan. I have a group that supports me, but I'm not sure how to explain the lack in motivation. I was working out 5 or 6 days of the week and logging all my food and water. I still get a workout about 2 or 3 days of the week, but I haven't been logging my food. Today I'm making a new attempt at getting back on track. Maybe I just needed a little vacation from worrying about it. :) I'm also thinking I was over doing it with my workouts and my body just needed a break. I was working out almost everyday of the week. Basketball, stationary bike, elliptical, one break day, jogging, bike again, and elliptical again. I was also alternating with weights for upper body, lower body, and core. It's not hard to make myself exercise because I really do enjoy it. I just feel like I'm going through an emotional funk with it right now.


  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Motivation comes from within. We can support you, but motivation is from you! You have to really, really want this badly enought to do the work that it entails!! You need to log your food every day and everything you eat! Log that exercise and eat back some or all your exercise calories! Drink your water too!! Make good choices, but you still need to live and enjoy life, if there is something you want work into you calories for the day!! Love yourself enough to see this through. This is a lifestyle change!!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!
  • Ashleysh22
    I like find daily motivation apps and stuff. enthusiastic quotes seem to make me feel better. But I think the best kind of motivation is support - people to cheer you on! That is what this site is great for. I also find that giving myself rewards helps. Like I get a star on the calendar on days that ________ (fill in the blank). Or treating myself to something sweet on the weekend if I am healthy all week. I am really focusing these days on eating enough vegetables so that is what I get stars for!

    Good luck on your journey!