sore muscles from lifting, should I do cardio or just take a

Good morning,

I just started weight lifting the day before yesterday.
Tuesday did cardio, In the morning I did 50 min dance dance revolution with kinects, then in the evening 30 min treadmill at 3.5, then did a 50 Zumba class.
Wednesday did 50 min weights for thighs and legs, then 30 min treadmill at 3.5 as my cardio.
Yesterday I did 30 min weight lifting for arms, chest and shoulders, then 50 min Zumba for my cardio.

I haven't lifted weights in years and my muscles are very sore and stiff. I am wondering if I should go do some cardio, like fast walk/jog dance dance revolution, or stationary bike for instance or should I just take a break and do house work?

I have been awake for over an hour now and still haven't gotten out of bed because of how sore my muscles are, I never just stay in bed.

Also please give me some pointers (people who really know what they are talking about) on how to avoid being so sore in the future.

Thank you!


  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Do something light to loosen up the muscles and increase blood flow to them.
  • 1Highlander
    A basic rule of thumb is to not work the same muscles on back to back days. The soreness you are felling now will go away and after a week or two your lifting will not cause any (or nearly as much) soreness even though you may be lifting more.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I have access to a pool, sauna and Jacuzzi at the LA fitness any recommendations on what will help increase blood flow and is a light exercise?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    If it's too sore to do a workout, then just do some cardio. DOM's isn't uncommon when you start a lifting session.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    If it's too sore to do a workout, then just do some cardio. DOM's isn't uncommon when you start a lifting session.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    any recommendations on what and how long? :)
  • _Peacebone_
    _Peacebone_ Posts: 229 Member
    It depends on how sore you are. I find that doing some cardio while my muscles are sore actually helps me feel less sore and gives me a boost of energy.

    When I first started lifting, I could barely walk without a limp for the first few days. After a while though, your body gets used to it, and you won't get nearly as sore. Make sure you stretch before and after your workout, and allow a day or two in between lifting days.
  • atag2011
    atag2011 Posts: 45 Member
    How about just a nice long power walk? It's pretty low intensity and you will burn some cals! I do it on off days/rest days.
  • RoadkingDavid
    RoadkingDavid Posts: 143 Member
    walking at a moderate pace for an hour is a good recovery exercise for your sore day. In addition, static stretching is a must after exercise to lengthen those muscles drawing so tight. Remember to stretch after your strength training, though, not before. Yoga contains many static stretch moves.
  • BenderFitness
    If you are that sore it's best to take it easy. Some VERY light cardio just to get the blood flowing to your muscles will help loosen them up. Also, make sure you stretch after your workouts. :)

    I love sun salutations: They work and stretch every muscle in your body.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    My plan is to lift 4 days a week:

    1st day legs and thighs and gluts
    2nd day arms, chest and shoulders
    3rd day break from lifting
    4th day core
    5th day back to legs and thighs
    then 2 day break from lifting
    On the break days doing cardio

    I will start with 5 min warm up, 30 to 50 min interval lifting, including exercises using my own body weight with changing intensities (start with a higher weight then in the next interval decreasing the weight by 5 lbs with a lot of reps), the move on to cadio for 30 to 50 min depending on how sore I am.

    what do you think of this?
  • campbellcjdm
    I just think it is awesome that you lost almost a whole person ... 108 lbs ... OMG that is awesome - you rock !!:drinker:
  • BobDierk
    I would recommend a couple of things. First, make sure you are not lifting to much weight. Start with a fairly easy work out. Then add weight after you have been working out for a month. Second, make sure you stretch your muscles before and after you work out (this applies to cardio too). This will help with the soreness as well. The only other thing I do is alternate strength vs. cardio days. I run on Sun, Tues and Thur and lift on Mon, Wed, Fri. When I lift, I work all of my muscle groups, but then rest for 2 days. Working different muscle groups each day is also a good approach.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    and my diet is 30/30/40, protein/carbs/fat. I take a daily multi vitamin and a potassium tablet too. I am not trying to loose any more weight just increase my lean muscle mass and tone up.

    Thank you for looking in to what I am doing to be come healthier! :)
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I just think it is awesome that you lost almost a whole person ... 108 lbs ... OMG that is awesome - you rock !!:drinker:

    I was at 112 loss in august, gained 4 lbs since then and stabilized I am so happy and proud of my self!
  • angieskia
    angieskia Posts: 152 Member
    I honestly don't know about working out yet but I've heard and experienced that Espom salt is Awesome when you have sore muscles. It it to a nice Hot (as you can stand) bath and soak for 20 - 30 minutes I think. It Might say on the Box how long you should soak
  • tmwalsh88
    The soreness will go away as your body adjusts to the new workouts. But for now, the WORST thing you can do is to lay around. Inactivity only makes your soreness worse. Try doing some yoga or stretches to help loosen up. Also, if you have access to a pool some light swimming is GREAT for soreness.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    "Muscle soreness" is actually inflammation in the connective tissues. It's not dangerous to work through, and should subside after you warm up
  • mojomarie
    mojomarie Posts: 43 Member
  • Iamkim73
    Iamkim73 Posts: 924 Member
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    I would recommend a couple of things. First, make sure you are not lifting to much weight. Start with a fairly easy work out. Then add weight after you have been working out for a month. Second, make sure you stretch your muscles before and after you work out (this applies to cardio too). This will help with the soreness as well. The only other thing I do is alternate strength vs. cardio days. I run on Sun, Tues and Thur and lift on Mon, Wed, Fri. When I lift, I work all of my muscle groups, but then rest for 2 days. Working different muscle groups each day is also a good approach.
    Static stretching before lifting weights isn't recommended. Clinical study has shown that your strength is reduced by doing it. Dynamic stretching can be done though.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition