Does Proactive dry YOU out?!

So I've been using Proactive for about 2 weeks now. Twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. I tried Proactive before about 5 years ago and had the same problem, but I thought I would give it a try since the cream my dermatologist prescribed is so bloody expensive =\

If you have/had this problem, what do you recommend? My friend who is cosmetologist recommended using a different moisturizer, she said that there’s isn't moisturizing enough. I'm embarrassed of the flaky dry skin around my lips =(


  • rsdgirl
    rsdgirl Posts: 241 Member
    your cosmetologist friend is correct, im an esthetician (skin freak) and i would completely agree. you need an added mositurizer along w/ the one they give you that you can use throughout the day as often as you feel the need until you get it under control then just use your extra moisturizer after the proacvitive moisturizer in the morning and at night :) hope that helps and is not oo confusing
  • wifeygonzo
    wifeygonzo Posts: 287 Member
    I've tried Proactive 3 different times. For the first two months my skin was absolutely perfect! I thought I found the answer to my skin problem, then after those first two months my skin would get really bumpy and the bumps would not go away until I stopped using the product. So I finally gave up on it, however they won't give up on me! I keep telling them I'm not interested in their product anymore to stop calling me, stop sending me stuff in the mail, but they won't quit!
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I tried proactive, as well as similar skin kits...I do not have a great suggestion for a moisturizer, except to maybe have a moisturizing skin kit to use when you skin gets real dry ^^

    I highly recommend Shiseido White Lucent is the only thing that has ever worked for doesnt whiten my skin (Im not sure how it will work for not sure if this possible sideeffect/benefit would be of concern), but it clears my skin up and does not make it dry and peeling.

    You can try a set called "Shiseido The Skincare White Lucent 1-2-3," and it will be a similar price to Proactive (maybe $20 more). ^^

    I hope this helps~ :)
  • This page explains why Proactive dries the skin out so much. -

    Infact that whole site has some pretty invaluable insights into the whole skin care business!

    You'd think a skin care brand that's been endorsed by celebrities would tell you not to use more than one product containing Salicylic acid. I tried there rubbish 4 step treatment and ended up with a face that looked like a dogs dinner!