NROL - But Which One?

I heard about The New Rules of Lifting here on MFP and started looking into it a little bit. I just got NROL for Abs from the library and so far I'm really liking what I see and am considering buying one of the books. But which one? I am a woman so the NROL for women might be a good choice but really, how specialized does lifting need to be?

Currently I've been doing P90X but I think it's time to begin branching out and working my own program (I'm on round three of P90X so I've been doing it awhile.) I don't do the ab workouts in P90X because it hurts my back and makes me sore. This is part of why I wanted to read the NROL for Abs book and so far I'm really glad I got it. There are a lot of exercises in there that I have done and know they don't hurt me (I've been doing my own thing for abs).

One thing I want to consider, I do Taekwondo so the core strength/stability is very important to me. I am no expert in lifting so I need help if I'm going to build my own program. I can't afford a gym membership and already have many weights, bands, pull up bar, swiss ball, etc at home so building my own program at home will be more cost effective and honestly, I'm more likely to do it here. I'm just not a gym rat. :)

I'm a thread killer so hopefully this one will be outside of the norm for me and someone will give an opinion! Does it matter which NROL book I buy? Will the one for women be better for me than the one for abs or vice verse? Is there some other better book/website that will serve me better? I just want to build a program that will develop and strengthen my entire body without hurting anything or making me any more out of balance than I already am. I'm not afraid to lift heavy, in fact I prefer it.


  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    i suggest the one for women since the other choices are men and abs...the woman one also covers abs but suggests you lift like a man so its like a combo of all of em. Its a great flexible program with fabulous results and you can combine it with your taekwondo (i run in conjunction with NROLFW). Its not like p90x where its ALL you are doing and it isn't the end of the world when you miss a work out (do it the next available day). i saw significantly better results with this as compared to P90X as well...the total body routine does wonders!

    Let me know if you have more questions, i'm on Stage 3 of the NROLFW program and blog about it also.

  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Thank you so much! That is exactly the type of information I was looking for! I know it's time to branch out from P90X for the weights but I needed some direction. I'm going to look for the book and see if I can get started once I finish up this round.