Is running enough?



  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    My bf% increased 1% - so yeah I think that was mostly lean muscle.
    I've done it :).... took me about 2 months but I did gain 10 lbs of muscle with a 1500 calorie diet... and my running suffered because of it... if I ate my bulking diet (cans of spam, 200g of protein) I can gain 10 lbs in 2 weeks.... and have heartburn every day...
    You guys are ignoring something - some of us put on muscle very easily. When I start hitting the weights I gain at least 10 lbs WITHOUT piling on the protein/creatine. Having big upper body draws away oxygen/nutrients that can be used for running - the top marathon runners in the world are underweight or normal weight - if you want to be a FAST marathoner you have to focus your training on running.... I mean if you start running 10 miles a day (I'm currently at around 7 a day on my regular runs and I know that's already pushing it), you can't really do weight lifting and expect your body not to break down.
    Putting on 10lbs of muscle while in a caloric deficit would be a neat trick to see done.
    Gain 10lbs sure...but of lean muscle? Hah.