More than 100 lbs to lose?



  • Innerglow
    Innerglow Posts: 1,074 Member
    I am with you letterfly, I always do really well during the week, then i go home for the weekends and it always feels like i take 3 steps forward then 2 steps back. I'm hoping i will eventually be able to curb my weekend habits. I think part of it is i don't have a computer at home so i have no idea how many calories i'm consuming....for all know i could be doing great.....The point is i've still been consistently losing weight even with my slip-ups, you'll get there but don't beat yourself up in the process, you'll only make things harder for yourself!:flowerforyou:
  • benw
    benw Posts: 211 Member
    you may find it helpful to give your water some flavor with some lemon or grapefruit juice. Just a touch of juice to a big glass of water. Your body knows how to handle natural juices and it makes water easier to go down.
  • seebee
    seebee Posts: 10
    I have over 100 lbs to lose too. I have been "plateaued" for awhile because of a knee problem, and am getting discouraged.

    Glad to find others on site who are also struggling with losing large amounts of weight.
  • apdoxies
    Count me in. When I started this past summer, I had a goal of loosing 105lbs (starting weight 225) :sick: . I had lost 11, then I fell off the wagon & gained all but 4 back :cry: . Well, I'm back on it (as of Jan 5) & I've changed my weight on here to reflect the new starting point (221). Right now I've been juggling the same 3lbs for about 2 weeks now. Getting a bit frustrated, but am continuing to work hard on my eating habits. Now, I've GOT to get motivated to exercise...that's my biggest down-fall.
    I totally agree...we're all in it together...We WILL do it!!!! Big Hugs!:smile:
  • goochinator
    goochinator Posts: 383 Member
    Goochi's in too!
    yes,I do have 100+ pds to lose, but honestly, my goal right now is like 5 or 10lbs. When I get back down to 229.9 then I'll be really really happy ( I was there for eons, plateaued, made goochi go crazy and goochi ate and ate and ate. And here Goochi is at 248 AGAIN. Sigh. ) Yes Goochi go basket case!!
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Monda
    Monda Posts: 271 Member
    Hey everyone! I am getting so discouraged with this. I have done very well with my eating and exercise but the scale just will not move. This is my 2nd week. I just want to cry! :sad: What am I doing or not doing? I exercise everyday except for Sunday for 1 hour. I burn anywhere from 300-400 calories during that time. HELP!!:sad:
  • stef_e_b
    stef_e_b Posts: 593
    I'm in too. I have a whole lot to lose and need so much help. The lowest I've ever been is 180 pounds so thats my first goal. Then from there I'll get to my happy bmi of 120.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    You're definitely not alone. I need to lose 100 pounds too. :) I wanna get to 170 pounds so i can be healthy and happy with my body! :heart:
    Maybe after I reach that goal i'll try to reach my correct BMI and lose that extra 30-40 pounds.
  • finallyproud
    finallyproud Posts: 154 Member
    I weighed myself tonight and was surprised to find that I've lost 3 more pounds!:bigsmile: Only 147 more to go:ohwell: , but I'll get there!!:heart:
  • aprilf
    aprilf Posts: 34 Member
    I dream of loosing 100 lbs, but right now, I'd settle with a smaller goal of 25 to put me back to where I was 2 yrs ago, another 25 to get down to 200lbs. I moved to Louisiana, started a new job, and gained back all that I had lost previously and then some! I'm at the highest weight I remember. I don't like it. And as much as I don't like keeping track of my food, I know it helps me control how much I eat and to make sure I exercise daily. Thank goodness for my dog Jake. He's a great alarm clock and morning "WALK!?!" motivator.

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    So how is everyone doing?
  • snellom
    snellom Posts: 2
    Hello everyone, I just signed up today! I would like to have a buddy so that we may keep up on the motivation. I need to lose 100 pounds. :sad:
  • tennetubbie
    tennetubbie Posts: 312 Member
    my goal is to lose 102---that gets me to upper normal BMI. I will see how things are at that point!
    Right now for 2 weeks I am stuck at 39.6 pounds
    weigh day tomorrow
    how are we going to do this---weekly check in??? or just add buddies.
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    Count me in, Add me as a friend if you would like! I am about halfway to my goal, maybe a little less, I will know when I get around 150 where I want to be. Good luck to everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • fatgottago
    fatgottago Posts: 222 Member
    Hi there!!! Like you I have a lot to lose!!! I need to lose a 100 but realistic If I could just to 150 I would be happy!!!!!! I have been hovering around 220 and 238 for about a year! I can't seem to get past the 220, I will do it during the week and then overeat at home on the weekend. I keep gaining and losing the same 3 or 4 pounds!!!!!!! :explode: I have got to find the motiviation to stop doing that and stick to my weight watcher plan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    You can do it. I have faith in all of you :smile:
  • caite19
    caite19 Posts: 100
    I'm definitely in too. Currently I'm at 325 and I need to get down to at least 200. Then we'll go from there. I'm 5'10".

    I have a small son, and I am lazy as anything.

    Need support!
  • fatgottago
    fatgottago Posts: 222 Member
    Good Morning!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou: