30 Day Shred anyone??



  • bestaun
    bestaun Posts: 1 Member
    I'm starting it today...but I'm a runner and go to this bootcamp every Tuesday and Thursday so im not doing it a consecutive 30 days. I will still be tryin to finish it before my trip to Mexico Jan. 14th! I'd love to keep in touh with you I need all the motivation and support i can get especially on the weekends when intend to get lazy with exercise and my diet!
  • tammyc00per
    tammyc00per Posts: 22 Member
    Im starting this today..
  • Megs654321
    SW 161

    Just finished the first day....I sure hope it gets a bit easier! The push-ups about killed me!
  • Alexia_E_K
    Alexia_E_K Posts: 40 Member
    It does get easier after the third day. You will feel like a professional at your current level in ten days.

  • RocksFlower
    RocksFlower Posts: 74 Member
    I just finished day 8 and saw a 3lb loss the first 4 days, it came back by this morning, but I've lost a lot of inches and can physically see a lot of changes. I just started adding more cardio to workouts so we'll see how i feel tomorrow.
  • jennaddy
    jennaddy Posts: 29 Member
    Hey friends, I'm doing 30 DS every other day because of a comment I read on MFP saying that Jillian said not to do it everyday. Plus, I wouldn't be able to walk haha. So I did the third day today. Figure it will take me longer but then I can function.

    I've seen an increase in the scale, not sure if that is related but trying to not get bent out of shape over it. Anyone else had this happen?

    I read that about doing it every other day also. Something to do with letting your muscles rest/recuperate. I decided to do the 30DS every other day and walk my dog on the days in between. That way I'm still getting some cardio in, I'm working out the burn from the day before, and Frankie gets some exercise too.

    I've seen an increase in the scale too, but I know mine is from indulging over the Holiday weekend. Your gain could just be muscle mass!
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    the 2nd day...i did ok but still sore from Day 1...glad to hear that I should take a rest...which I will tomorrow because i have some running around to do..I got a terrible muscle cramp in my thigh today from doing the bicycle crunches OMG i thought I was going to die!
  • thefifthvalue
    thefifthvalue Posts: 93 Member
    I dont understand how I used to be able to do pushups (granted they were knee push-ups) a few years ago, and now I can't at all! It'll be a huge accomplishment if I'm able to do them by the end of level 1... oh and the bicycle crunches... bahhhhh

    but just think... 1/15th of the way there! haha....
  • thefifthvalue
    thefifthvalue Posts: 93 Member
    Day 3 done! Definitely have seen improvement in my stamina already. Was able to do a few more pushups and more or less get through the bicycle crunches! I think my least favorite section is the second strength section with the lunges, but hopefully in a few days I'll be better at them! Yay!!

    How is everyone else doing??
  • Megs654321
    Didn't get the workout in today...crazy busy with finals coming up. But, I plan on doing day 3 tomorrow!