It's finals week .. let's throw a party!

jen2607 Posts: 148 Member
No but seriously. I'm not trying to be completely lame... but I am exhausted. I work 2 jobs and I have a huge research paper due on Wens. On top of that, I'm getting sick. I was about to fall asleep and my roommate comes home and is currently yelling and drinking in the living room with her friends. I know my responsibilities are just that , mine... but I was kind of hoping on getting some sleep tonight. Power to her for having time during the week to complete whatever school work her major requires, but I don't have time to take a break until Wens. I don't know.. maybe I'm overreacting. I just personally would never stand next to someone's bedroom door yelling and drinking, especially when I know they've been zombie-like and exhausted. We're all adults - that's what bars are for.,, and there are a couple of them within walking distance of our house #Justsaying .


  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    I'm sorry <3 I remember the days of drunken roommates before I moved in with my boyfriend. The lack of respect is shocking sometimes. Props to you for working 2 jobs while in school (I'm doing the same thing; it's no picnic). Drink tea, put some earphones in, listen to some calling music, and get some sleep if you can. Good on you for wanting to take care of yourself!
  • nikki91950
    i used to live on my college campus. the last semester i was living there, one of my room mates came back drunk late one nght the week of finals. i had strep throat at the time, and i was trying to sleep, so i ended up calling the RA on duty and he came up to give her a little talk. that's one of the biggest downfalls to living in normal housing while in college... there's nobody there to regulate what goes on and enforce the rules.
  • nikki91950
    PS foam or rubber ear plugs make a world of difference! they're so easy to use and they cost almost nothing at all. they changed my life :)
  • jen2607
    jen2607 Posts: 148 Member
    I keep saying I'm going to get earplugs.. it just really shouldn't be necessary. We are all 22-25 yrs old. It just seems like it's common sense. I'm going to try to focus on something more positive for now. I'm just trying to keep all my stress and sleep deprivation from exploding on her, forever causing a uncomfortable roommate situation.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Options sound like me!!! My roommate ALWAYS has people over, and my bedroom is right by the living room and the front door. I was shocked she agreed not to have anyone over tonight so I could get a good night's sleep for my race tomorrow. However, I'm not sure how she'll be next week with finals... I wish you luck! I've already signed a lease with a different roommate for next school year and can't wait! Isn't it frustrating?! I understand you want to have fun, but some of us like our sleep and like to study in the quiet. Plus, she's SO dirty! Ugh...ROOMMATES.

    EDIT: I completely agree about earplugs! I've gotten them and have used them multiple times. I shouldn't have to use them, but do sometimes. Sometimes I'll ask her to keep it down or shut her door, and it works, but other times, her friends get mad. Try talking to her, or if you can, roommate change?
  • seventwenty
    seventwenty Posts: 565 Member
    My last final is Dec 21. My roommates, fellow grad students, know if they have a party before then, I will kill them with laser eyes.
  • jen2607
    jen2607 Posts: 148 Member
    She just "liked" my facebook status which references how tired I am. I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt and thought that maybe she just didn't know she was being so loud. Obviously she doesn't care. They are yelling.. then they whisper (which means they are talking s***). Girls are crazy. I'm living with a guy next year.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Can we bring some blondes??

    I hear they have more fun..
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    She just "liked" my facebook status which references how tired I am. I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt and thought that maybe she just didn't know she was being so loud. Obviously she doesn't care. They are yelling.. then they whisper (which means they are talking s***). Girls are crazy. I'm living with a guy next year.

    I am sorry you are going through that. Guys can be crazy too though. o_O

    Maybe live with like...a goldfish instead haha ^^

    Have you tried speaking with your roommate about the noise while she was making it? Maybe in the future go outside and say, "Hey guys...I am trying to study/sleep, could you maybe move it over there *points* or keep it down?" >.<
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    She just "liked" my facebook status which references how tired I am. I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt and thought that maybe she just didn't know she was being so loud. Obviously she doesn't care. They are yelling.. then they whisper (which means they are talking s***). Girls are crazy. I'm living with a guy next year.

    ^OMG the whispering thing! One night, about 1:00 or so, I couldn't sleep because of my roommates and her friends. I had to get up at 6:00 for an 8:00 test, so I politely asked if I could shut her door since I could hear them. As soon as I closed the door, they started talking about me. And the worst part was when they left, the two girls knew my room was right by the front door, so they whispered about trying to wake me up, and decided to slam the front door. UGH, I feel your pain!
  • Carfoodel
    Carfoodel Posts: 481 Member
    I feel your pain but in a different way - I am a mature student in my honours year, got a huge exam on Tuesday and am trying to revise - but house full of teenagers pets, tv and "muuuuuummmmmm where's my..." "what's for dinner?" is driving me insane besides my sons are older and my lad woke me up last two nights trying to sneak in the house drunk and then bashed about in the kitchen for the next hour - driving me bonkers. never mind the disaster that the kitchen was in the morning.

    It is bliss at the moment as husband and two of the lads have gone out and will be away for a few hours and I have the weekend off work so at the moment it's "ahhhhh contented sigh"

    but majority of time - not much better at home lol
  • jen2607
    jen2607 Posts: 148 Member
    Status update : Somehow I fell asleep around 12 through the noise, but after waking up several times I texted her at 2 asking her to be quieter because she knows I have a lot to do and that I'm not feeling well. They all left shortly after. Bring on the fun stares! :/ As for the blonde comment, I'll have fun on Wens ... possibly on Tuesday if I get my work done (my coworkers are taking us out for Margaritas :)