Almost 4 weeks into my new life...

I was on meds for high blood pressure for a couple of years. About 2 years ago I went off it, with the admonition from the doc that I had to check it at home and maintain at 130/80 or below. Well I did get a cuff and I have been around 135-40/85-90, OK or so I thought. Since I changed my diet, my BP has been awesome. Right now I just took it at 110/72, considered low-normal, a place I have never been in my life.

I literally feel like I did 10 years ago, and with no crazy supplements or no crash diets or P90X or none of that. Just sensible eating w/ calorie control (tons of vegetables) and some cardio 4-5 days a week with some light weight training mixed in.

10 lbs down in almost 4 weeks.

I'm liking this. A LOT.


  • StacyB150
    StacyB150 Posts: 60 Member
    That is AWESOME! I'm high blood pressure medication and my goal is to someday be off of it. Congratulations to you!
  • woodcje
    woodcje Posts: 3 Member
    Congratulations. Was in the same boat 5 weeks ago. BP was 156/96. now its 117/76. Eating correctly and working out has really helped. the weight loss has just been a bonus.