30 Day Shred for Men

Hi all,

Just wondered if there were many men here that have completed the 30DS? Anyone want to share their results?

I have been walking/jogging up to now, but have managed to aquire some very painful blisters this week and am currently giving it a bit of a break.

Heard good things about 30DS, so have downloaded it on itunes a few days ago, and keep looking at it rather tentatively. Am probably going to give it a go tonight.

Almost all the feedback I read is from women though . . . . . . . it won't make me grow (even bigger) breasts will it :laugh:


  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    My husband started 30ds with me and hates/loves it. Gillian is punishing, no matter what parts you have lol! Husband lost serious inches and has developed a taste for Gillian, since then has aquired all her other stuff. Currently working oh abs.
  • TrefG
    TrefG Posts: 112 Member
    Sounds promising.
  • TrefG
    TrefG Posts: 112 Member
    Just managed 15mins of level 1 - God that's hard.

    Got more of a sweat on in 15 mins of 30ds than I ever did in 40 minutes quickly walking !
  • law2097
    Hey I got this also, it does look girly but I heard good things so I'm going to start tomorrow.
  • rochey1098
    I'm on day 5 at the moment and yep... if you think it's too easy then all you need to do is up the weights. I'd say this video is for both sexes and I feel so much better after every session. Looking forward to comparing myself to my initial photo's and measurements :smile: