18, Newbie! :O

Height: 5'4
Starting weight:241 lbs
Current weight: 237 lbs
Main Goal Weight: 125

Just started MFP a few days ago, and it actually HAS helped me :D I actually chose a kiwi over a Klondike Bar!
I thought to myself "is this REALLY something I want to log in to my MFP?"
50 cal kiwi or 250 cal Klondike bar. which would YOU chose? :3
I LOVE chocolate AND ice cream as much as the next person, but I'm doing this for a LIFE CHANGE!

If any one would like to add me, that would be fantastic! :D I hear people are 3 times more likely to lose weight if they have a friend doing it with them! I'm very friendly, and love to motivate as well as be motivated! :D

What motivates you?
My answer would be, because I have never been the proper size and health at any time in my life.
I NEED to show myself that I deserve a healthy life!
And hopefully, it will be a lesson passed on to my mother, who I think struggles more than I do.


  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    Why hello. :D Welcome! I love making new friends! Also, we have the same height, weight, and almost the same goal weight. ;o
  • BrittniKins
    BrittniKins Posts: 4 Member
    Why hello. :D Welcome! I love making new friends! Also, we have the same height, weight, and almost the same goal weight. ;o

    Do we? Oh yay! Someone to relate to! What's your goal weight? :D Thank you for the warm welcome!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    So doing the math you have a Body Fat% of appx 41%.
    BMR is appx 1800.
    TDEE at Light activity is appx 2534.
    You can drop weight at 2000 calories.
    You can start at appx 1800 to drop faster in the beginning.
    Suggested macros setup:
    Carbs: 35%
    Protein: 25%
    Fat: 40%

    You could also start with a 30/30/40 mix of macros.
    Projected loss is appx 10lbs in 10 weeks not including water weight.

    Hide the scale and buy tape measurer!
    Weigh and measure every 2 weeks!
  • penmosha
    penmosha Posts: 132 Member
    Welcome to MFP - you'll find it to be a great resource.

    I'm the same height as you! perhaps we should have a 5'4" group.
    I'm losing weight as I have bene diagnosed with arthritis. I know that every extra pound I carry will affect my health in the long run.

    btw. I LOVE your hair :love: