Hello Lovely People... My name is Chandra. Im new to this website! I hope to be successful on my journey to a better me! I need some motivation though.. If there is any motivators out there please please do not hesitate to right me message :)


  • tam823
    tam823 Posts: 85 Member
    Welcome to MFP!!! I am loving this site so far and it helps keep me on track! Well most of the time!!! Good luck on your journey!! It is totally worth it!
  • mana72
    mana72 Posts: 14
    Welcome to MFP - although the site is good, having friends helps to keep you on track ...
  • Carolina_Skys
    Carolina_Skys Posts: 21 Member
    Welcome to MFP!!! everyone here is great, Mfp is helping me alot with keeping positive. especially if i have a bad day. I think you will enjoy it. Good Luck!!!
  • Welcome to MFP! I love using this site! It helped me noticed that my eating habits were bad and has helped me changed them. With the motivation and support from my friends here and my personal trainer, I lost 2.5% body fat and 4.5" off my body in a month.

    Good lucky with your journey and welcome to MFP again :o)
  • Welcome to MFP! It is helping to change my life!!!!