
haily33 Posts: 2
edited 12:00AM in Introduce Yourself
Hi! I'm Haily and I'm from Washington State. Also once upon a time I weighed 160. When I started to take college classes, I started to eat a lot of carbs and fast food and I also stopped exercising :( Well a year later I gained 40 pounds!! It's time to lose this weight and more. I doing this for myself and my health. I want to lose 50 pounds by June 2012!! :) but it's hard to do it alone. I would love too meet new people from my state and other states that I can talk too about my struggles and listen to yours!! Cheesy I know!!


  • This is not at all cheesy, darling, it's your introduction! :)
    I just joined today too, and I'm in a similar situation. I'm a recent graduate and although it's not from fast food, etc. it's from Ramen and other poor people food in this rough economy, ya know?
    I think this will be really good for you and I wish you the best of luck. Not only in my fitness pal but with everything :)
  • robinaddison
    robinaddison Posts: 232 Member
    There's a group for people from Seattle, also for those generally from the PNW. You should check them out!
    And welcome!!
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