Christmas party food - what to do?

I'm kind of dreading going to a party tonight. There will be lots of food, goodies and drink. How the heck am I supposed to eat correctly? Shoot, one cookie or one mixed drink or whatever will ruin the day...let alone a little bit here and a little bit there. Arghh...

Any suggestions? I can't just walk around all night with a bottle of water in my hand saying, "No thanks, I'm not eating tonight." They'd think why did I even bother to come? Any help or ideas? I've made a cake to take which I figured out is 491 calories a piece so I'm already deteremined not to eat any of that or at most a tiny sliver.

But then I think, what the heck. Splurge. Take in the 4,000 calories. What's the big's only once? The thing is I'm doing so well. This morning was my lowest weight ever and darn it, I've become a bit obsessive about this and don't want to screw up. It's been years since I've done this well. This shouldn't be that difficult.

Would it be better to wine or mixed drinks...or maybe beers?


  • rachelmarie1
    rachelmarie1 Posts: 201 Member
    Hi :-) Maybe you can workout a little harder before hand, so that you will be able to have some extra calories to eat. Also, try cutting out some calories before you go tonight. Im not an expert, but i think splurging a little wouldnt hurt, you can workout some extra tomorrow to help burn some of the extra calories too. When you go, just pace yourself, try to pick things that aren't 400 calories per serving. You can pick several smaller items with less calories so that you can have more on your plate with out actually eating 4000 calories in one party. As for drinks, you don't want to get loaded if you plan on driving anyways. I would look up different kinds and see what has the least amount of calories in general.. i'd imagine the yummy fruity drinks will be loaded with calories. I hope my suggestions help. Good luck and have a blast!! ps When i go to a party I dont pay attention to who is eating... Im more like to notices someone shoving a ton of food in their mouth though. Enjoy yourself thats what a party is all about. Have fun!!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I agree with Rachel... do the workout before hand... also have a snack or light meal before you go that way you can enjoy a cookie but not go crazy and eat the whole plate of cookies. Most mix drinks are calorie heavy from what I hear, I'd go for a glass of red wine (good for the heart right?) or a light beer. I don't think anyone will notice your not really eating, just be social.
  • I agree - eat a light meal that has protein to keep you from feeling overly hungry.
    If there is a bar, get a tall water with ice and a slice of lemon or lime in it or a ginger ale - you will look festive but not be destroying all your hard work.
    Go ahead and have a cookie for heavens sake - just in moderation.
    If you have already won't be as tempted to graze.
    Have a wonderful time - be social and enjoy yourself.
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    Eat! You are supposed to be enjoying yourself now and then, and you need to learn how to cope with food! Sooner or later you will come across parties and there will be days that you are above your calorie intake. So waht? You need to enjoy life... it's not all black and white. And overindulging onces doesn't make you put on three stone. Be good tomorrow and work out a bit more over the next days, stick to your diet and you'll be just fine.

    I wonder what people will do for christmas... lock themselves in the cupoard under the stairs with five bottles of water and hope the festive season goes by a bit faster than usual ^^?
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I wonder what people will do for christmas... lock themselves in the cupoard under the stairs with five bottles of water and hope the festive season goes by a bit faster than usual ^^?

    This made me laugh so hard... I totally pictured it in my head and everything :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    One cookie is NOT going to ruin your whole day. Just don't eat a whole lot, and be sure to exercise. You can eat a few nibbles without eating 4,000 calories.
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    Enjoy it!!!

    If I have a party or whatever, and I know there will be crappy food -- I throw in an extra workout, and just enjoy the night! Heck, I am going to start doing an extra workout all the time, just to eat what I want. lol.
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    Let's be honest, most of us would find it hard to gorge 4000plus calories in one go... so no, having a bit more and eating nibbles won't ruin everything. one cookie most certainly won't either... it's life - enjoy it!

    @Learning2Love: lol glad I can be of help ^^ It makes a nice picture tho doesn't it? ^^
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Don't freak - eat in moderation, enjoy a nice variety and savour the experience! Christmas is only once a year, and as long as you don't go overboard it won't effect your weight loss efforts. I like the suggestions above about doing a workout to earn some extra cals. Don't forget that you're eating a deficit now, but you can eat to your maintenance and not gain weight, and even if you go over your body doesn't work on a 24 hour cycle. You have yesterdays deficit cals, and the day before, and so on.
  • MSH63
    MSH63 Posts: 19
    Eat everything in sight....have fun and drink like a fish! By the end of the night you wont care you are on a diet of not. Be sure to wrap your body in tinsel and tell everyone you're a human Christmas tree!
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    Eat everything in sight....have fun and drink like a fish! By the end of the night you wont care you are on a diet of not. Be sure to wrap your body in tinsel and tell everyone you're a human Christmas tree!

    hahahahha I want a like button
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Eat everything in sight....have fun and drink like a fish! By the end of the night you wont care you are on a diet of not. Be sure to wrap your body in tinsel and tell everyone you're a human Christmas tree!

    lol! this is awesome, thank you :D
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Watch your portions....just because you are going to a party doesn't mean you have to throw in the towel! Have a drink, then follow up with water, pick healthy foods first and then have a treat or two. Don't stress over this, it's all in the portion!
  • its_betty
    its_betty Posts: 104 Member
    I love party food. I've found I eat less and feel more satisfied if I:
    1. Wait--don't be the first person to dig in.
    2. Look over all the choices. Make up a plate of food that I really want, focusing on "special" foods. (So I avoid cheddar and ritz crackers, but might take some baked brie.) Take enough to be satisfied with that one plate.
    3. Actually taste and pay attention to what I'm eating. What's the point of eating something delicious and high calorie if I don't even notice the flavor? If I taste something and don't love it, don't finish it.
    5. Step away from the buffet. The point is to eat consciously and enjoy it, not nibble mindlessly on this and that all night long.
    6. Later, make up a plate of "seconds" or of dessert and then stay away from the buffet for the rest of the night.

    Drinks: Start with something with no calories. Then have a lower calorie drink if I want (think wine, not a mudslide), then water or club soda again. I stick to a maximum of 2 glasses of wine, because more than that and I will nibble mindlessly all night long!
  • ruby_red_rose
    ruby_red_rose Posts: 321 Member
    I have a holiday party to go on tonight as well. My plan of action is simple:

    1. Drink a protein shake before the party because it makes me full and unwilling and unable to eat much afterwards.
    2. Eat small servings of a maximum of 4 items, and only if they have lean protein in it (so no sugary or fatty items)
    3. Eat less throughout the day.

    If today wasn't my exercise rest day, I would have worked out harder and longer to build up a higher calorie deficit, but since I can't, I plan to stick to the plan above.
  • Carfoodel
    Carfoodel Posts: 481 Member
    for my christmas party - I will be doing a workout before I go, will eat a bit of everything but just less than I normally would - will be having a drink or three (not sure what yet but no doubt there will be shots in there) and then I am gonna dance it all off - 70's night yahoo.

    It's not like parties like this are a regular thing, so a bit of moderation, relax and enjoy - even if you have a few more calories than you intend it's only one evening and you can just get straight back to normal the next day.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    I know what you mean about being stressed about it though. when you are doing well, you don't want to go over the edge. easy enough to say that it is only once...but how did we get to this point? there is some point where we lose control and not knowing exactly where that is, getting any where near it is scary.

    I went to my work Christmas party last night. We were not given any healthy choices. I went way over, even though I didn't finish mine or eat nearly what the others did. It would be fine if it was once. But this is just the first of no less than 6 Christmas functions I am attending in the next 4 weeks. Hoping the other ones are more the buffet/munchy style that I can pick and choose more.

    Off I go to another one right now. Surprise! I am bringing the veggie tray.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Eat! You are supposed to be enjoying yourself now and then, and you need to learn how to cope with food! Sooner or later you will come across parties and there will be days that you are above your calorie intake. So waht? You need to enjoy life... it's not all black and white. And overindulging onces doesn't make you put on three stone. Be good tomorrow and work out a bit more over the next days, stick to your diet and you'll be just fine.

    I wonder what people will do for christmas... lock themselves in the cupoard under the stairs with five bottles of water and hope the festive season goes by a bit faster than usual ^^?

    this... its one party... enjoy yourself!!

    its when you use the party as an excuse to eat crap for the rest of the week that it becomes a problem!
  • DarleneIsAwesome
    DarleneIsAwesome Posts: 18 Member
    Maybe, at the party, think of how great you'll feel tomorrow if you don't have that cookie tonight. Sometimes thinking about the future when faced with those temptations can be a great motivator!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    You can't think of any other result than "Nothing" or "4000 calories"? How do you plan to live the rest of your life if you think ONE cookie is going to ruin your entire day? Be realistic. Eat a reasonable amount of food and a little dessert.