need some healthy soup recipes

melissa97 Posts: 57 Member
i love soup!! My fav's are chicken tortilla, minestrone, chicken rice, vegatable beef...but i really love almost all soups!! I need some healthy recipes so i can continue to eat my fav comfort food all winter long! Please share you healthy soup or stew recipes!!!


  • 2finis
    2finis Posts: 3 Member
    Diet soup
  • 2finis
    2finis Posts: 3 Member
    2tbsp virgin olive –oil
    2 large white onions sliced ( sweet)
    1 ½ pounds of boneless chicken or turkey cooked and diced
    1 large carrot ( shredded or sliced)
    2 large garlic cloves minced
    ½ tsp chili powder
    2 tsp oregano or thyme ( I used one of each)
    8 cups fat –free . low sodium chicken broth
    1 can black beans ( drained) I didn’t have black beans so used lentils ( yummy)
    6 cups of baby spinach leaves or 1 pkg. of frozen chopped
    1 large tomato diced ( l large can of diced tomatoes)
    7 tbsp of grated parmesan cheese
    Brown onions and carrots in oil in large pot. When tender add stock , garlic chili powder , boil for 5 minutes. Add beans , tomato and spinach, thyme, oregano, and chicken. Bring back to boil. Let boil 2 minutes then turn off the heat. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve with a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese.
    Enjoy twice daily.
    This makes a dutch oven full so feel free to freeze, It is filling and nutritious , I don't know the calorie count, sorry about that!:smooched:
  • stonergrlily
    I make a super easy veggie soup with whatever I have on hand at any given moment. Carrots, onions, celery, potatos, tomatos, zuchinnis, squashes, brocoli, spinach, etc. Just use your favorite veggies, some water or low sodium broth. Boil, season to taste, then blend if you like a cream thick soup. I like to add lots of ginger and garlic!
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    Saute your onions and other veggies in butter or other flavorful fat/oil at the beginning of making vegetable soup. It's an insignificant amount of calories in a big pot of soup, but it floats on the top and the flavor fills your head as you're eating.
  • liezelcha
    liezelcha Posts: 150 Member
  • NancyStandish
    NancyStandish Posts: 1 Member
    Curried carrot & apple soup. real easy, lo-cal and tasty. here is the link
  • melissa97
    melissa97 Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks...i will have to try these!! :bigsmile:
  • ascott048
    I am a soup lover too! I make it every sunday and take the extra for lunch during the week...if my husband doen't eat it first. He asked me to make this one twice this week. I like to float a tablespoon of FF sour cream and fresh lime juice on top after i put it in a bowl.

    Red Lentil Soup
  • Aross83
    Aross83 Posts: 936 Member
    Turkey Veggie soup--

    Turkey thighs & wings
    green cabbage
    bay leaves
    chicken broth
    Homemade turkey broth
    Black pepper

    I made this soup on sunday and it is absolutly delicious.. you could use any veggies you like tho
    i also have made it before with all veggies and veggie stock to make it vegetarian...
  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 523 Member