Weight Room Rescue

millerll Posts: 873 Member
I was in the gym yesterday, setting up for my bench press workout. There was a gentleman on the other side of the weight room doing his bench presses on another bench. It was typical light Friday crowd, with about a half dozen people total in the weight room.

Suddenly, I hear, "Frank! Frank!" I turn around, and see the other lifter flat on his back, pinned under the bench press bar. Frank, whoever he was, was nowhere to be found. I ran over, and together, we got the bar back up into the rack. The guy thanked me profusely, and told me he had a bad shoulder that sometimes goes out. That's what happened during his lift, and he found himself pinned.

I said, "No problem, anytime" and that's when I noticed that he had 250 pounds on the bar. :noway: Wow. Did I really just lift that? (Or at least half of it, since it was a joint effort, lol.) At this point, Frank wanders over and says, "For the record, I'M Frank." I said, "Well, Frank, no offense, but for the record, I was closer, so the first guy to get there wins." We had a good laugh over it.

I think the first guy was a little chagrined that a woman had to save his bacon, but I was just amazed that I could do it. You never know when a healthy lifestyle and a good exercise program will pay off in ways you never imagined.

Now I'm off to rescue a few kittens from some trees.............:smile:


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