New to RUNNING! Got some question and need support!

Hello! :)

I am very new to running. Right now I can only run for a couple of minutes at a time and it's quite hard. Feels great, but so hard.
I am running on a treadmill. I do fast walking with a incline and run intervals of 2-3 minutes a few times. The total time is at least 30-45 minutes.
I believe I am walking at a speed of about 3.5 MPH. And running at 5 MPH or 12 minute miles. I'm still trying to get the hang of the display on the treadmill for speed and distance. :) Does '5 MPH/12 Minute Miles' sound right? I am not running super fast but a good pace job.

I am kind of looking for some encouragement from runners out there.
Just some runners (or really anyone that knows about running) to say that in the beginning it is hard. And that 5 MPH is a good speed? Or maybe I am just incredibly out of shape. LOL

Also, how many minutes of running do I need in a workout to be able to say it was a "good run workout"?

THANKS EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D


  • UhTania
    I think 5.0 is the perfect speed to start out running. I think you should do whatever works best for you and adjust accordingly. I am new to running, too, and really like the couch to 5K program. The first four weeks feel realistic where you alternate your walking and running until you are gradually doing more running. It definitely is hard at first! I admit this week I am struggling trying to run outdoors and felt I couldn't do it! But, it is possible, and the fact that we went from running ZERO minutes to actual minutes of running is pretty cool! Especially non-runners or less than athletic types (like me who trips just walking down the street)! Way to go!
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    Sounds like a great start. I started running last fall with C25K and it worked for me; you may want to look into that also. Feel free to send a friend request if you would like!
  • bander21
    bander21 Posts: 40 Member
    Before my accident I ran everyday. For months and months I worked hard to increase my speed! I found out no matter how in shape I was, I was not a fast runner! I ran about 6 MPH and that made me feel comfortable. When 5 mph starts to get easier, increase your incline. That will make it harder, but keep the speed the same. I have trouble with speed, but I love to run. GOOD LUCK. I'm getting back into running to after a broken pelvis! Its hard work! :)
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    The beginning is HARD!!!
    Keep going. It will get easier.

    Here is a conversion chart. You are correct. 5 MPH = 12 minute mile.

    A "good" speed is what you can maintain. We are all different. Some people can go out and run faster, even while out of shape, others start slower and get faster. I also started out around a 12 m/m.

    My computer is being funny so I can't link this right now, but check out the post at the top of this thread. Love it.

    ETA- again, a good run workout is subjective. If you ran longer, or faster or felt better than you normally do, thats a good run workout.
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    You need to go with what is comfortable. I tried to start out at that pace, but as I started running for longer periods of time, I determined that a bit slower was better...and that was fine. The best piece of advice I got when I started running was to focus on going the distance.

    As you begin to ramp up your distance/intervals, if you feel you are stretched a bit, back it down to under 5mph. You might be surprised at how much further you can go.

    There are tons of programs out there to get you going...regardless of whether or not running a race is an overall goal. You should check them out.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Got it.

  • JoJo1953
    JoJo1953 Posts: 182 Member
    Got it.

    Love this
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    That sounds great! I used to do walk 3.0 mph/run 5.0 every other song on my ipod. Now, I do 60 minutes on the treadmill, walking 3.6 or 3.7 mph and then running 6.0 or 6.1 mph, alternating every 5 minutes. I also like to alternate between a 0-3 incline while running.

    Keep it up! It's hard at first but gets easier! :)
  • Missrunnerpants
    Missrunnerpants Posts: 3 Member
    when i first started running i could barely make it 1/4 of a mile without stopping. i was running a 13-14 min/mile and proud of myself for completing my 1.5 mile loop. day after day, run after run, things got better and easier. as long as you keep pushing yourself, make your walk/run breaks a little bit longer each day (ie run 2 miles, walk 3 minutes, next time run 3 minutes, walk 2 minutes, keep building up to ~ run 8 min, walk 1 min)

    about a year later i was easily doing 10 min/mile and had completed my first 10k. that was 7 years ago. i kept going, training, doing the best i could at that moment in time. now i run marathons and half marathons every year. i run a consistent 8 min/mile, less if its a short distance.

    you're doing great! keep going!
  • PRprincess
    PRprincess Posts: 200 Member
    Got it.

    Love this

    Yes I love this too :)
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Absolutely! I've been running 4-5 times a week since February, have done a few 5Ks and a half marathon and I'm only running at an 11 min/mile pace (on a good day!). Honestly, it's not about your speed. You will get the health benefits regardless. Work with your heart rate. Keep it where it needs to be by either speeding up or slowing down. As you get yourself into better shape, you'll notice that you slowly get faster. Keep it up!
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    I started enjoying running when I slowed down. The first time I did the C25k I really pushed myself on speed. That was a big mistake. I ended up giving up running once the C25k was done.

    The following year, I decided I wasn't going to run fast, I was just going to run. I enjoyed it and become in love. I slowed down to 3.6-4.0mph. I'm 5'1", maybe that has something to do with it. Now, I can run 6-7 miles and enjoy it. I did 1 race in October and 3 races in November and loved every minute of it.

    Now, I'm going to start increasing my speed a bit.. we will see how it goes.

    It's like weightloss.. what's the big hurry? Why do you gotta go so fast so soon?
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    So glad to read this. I plan to start C25K as soon as the doctor gives me the all-clear to start exercising again after my gallbladder surgery. My daughter is going to do it with me. Our local running store is starting a running program for beginners in January, and we may participate in that. I just have to figure out what to do with my son. He has no interest in running and would probably complain the whole time! We'll see what happens. I may make him come along and be in the walking group. Every body meets up together again at the end, so he'd meet back up with us anyway.

    I've never run before, so all this advice is good. I need to start slow and build up to it, that's for sure!
  • chai_latte
    chai_latte Posts: 94 Member
    That was the story of my life too a while back. :) I used to be a runner back in grade school and stopped. Then just recently, earlier this year I thought "hey why not try it again!" We had a treadmill that was sleeping in the basement, so I dusted it off and started off slow.

    I could not run for even one minute without my knees killing me and feeling so out of breath that I thought I would pass out!

    I started getting bored of running in the basement so I went out to run. The roads I feel are harder than the treadmill because the ground isn't moving for you, you have to be more physical and move yourself on the roads, but what a challenge! :) At first it was really embarrassing running on the roads, I felt ppl were watching me panting, huffing and puffing as I stopped every 30 seconds to just walk it out. I would have experienced runners zoom past me and I was so very envious, thinking "how the heck can they keep going and going and going and not feel tired? Don't their knees hurt?"....and they disappeared into the distance...

    I didn't give up. I kept pushing myself....and over time - it has been a good 4 months now, and I find my legs have started toning up. As I lose weight my knees don't feel sore, I can run now for a good 15 minutes before I need to walk it out. Also what keeps me going when I want to give up and walk it out - is having some awesome music with a fast beat :)

    Hope that helped!! Don't give up!!!! :) You will see what a difference a few months will make.
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    Got it.


    I am a 14 minute miler, so this is my mantra (although I rocked a 13:20 today).

    The best advice I can give you (as another beginning runner), yes I know 100$ is a lot for a pair of shoes but they are worth it.. get some GOOD running shoes.. not 20$ nikes from WalMart. It will help you prevent injuries and also most running shoes will help your form so you will learn to run the "right way".
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Sounds like a good start to me, but my only suggestion would be to mix it up and get outside some. If you ever want to run an actual race, the treadmill will not prepare you very well for that. Treadmill and road are two totally different animals.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    Got it.


    I am a 14 minute miler, so this is my mantra (although I rocked a 13:20 today).

    The best advice I can give you (as another beginning runner), yes I know 100$ is a lot for a pair of shoes but they are worth it.. get some GOOD running shoes.. not 20$ nikes from WalMart. It will help you prevent injuries and also most running shoes will help your form so you will learn to run the "right way".

    I went yesterday to our local running store and got fitted for shoes. I ended up with Brooks Glycerins, and my daughter ended up with New Balance. It's amazing how different our feet are and what types of shoes we need. Our store does a 3-step fitting to make sure you are getting a shoe that will help you to run without injury. Can't wait to get out and try them! I hope I get the all-clear when I see the doctor on Monday.
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    It is true. If you are going to run, get fitted for the right RUNNING shoe. Go to a running shoe store and let them do a gait analysis on you, it is free. They will fit you for the proper shoe and your body will thank you. Just google "running shoe stores" in whatever town you live.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    You're doing just fine for a new runner. 5 mph is a great pace. You can work on your endurance by doing interval training like Couch to 5k. Good luck!
  • Wilmingtonbelle
    Wilmingtonbelle Posts: 255 Member
    Bump :flowerforyou: