What is going on with me? :(



  • mrskellyray
    I have been feeling HORRIBLE for a few days. I stopped taking my diet pills when it started because I am unsure what the cause is.

    I have been really nauseous, having dizzy spells, my stomach, chest and below my stomach hurts. I feel weak. I have a headache. My ears ring here and there. Blood pressure is ever so slightly elevated. I have been eating around 1,200 calories to try to make this feeling go away.

    I am still spotting a little bit from my period. I've been on my period for a week. Heavy at first, light towards the end, eventually almost done now I think with some spotting.

    For about a week, I have been under IMMENSE stress, too... I cried for days. I still feel very sad. I have felt next to zero happy feelings during that time.

    I don't know what is wrong! :(

    I have Implanon birth control in my arm, have had unprotected sex with my significant other of quite a few years many times and haven't got pregnant... but I hope I'm not pregnant.

    Is this indigestion? What is this? It's scary because it really hurts.

    Sorry to be a bother. I posted in this topic because it might have something to do with exercise and diet? I'm not sure. I do know that it's preventing me from doing the exercise and diet I was doing.

    How long have you had implanon in? It is possible you are having a reaction from that. Sounds very similar to the reaction I had on the Depo Shot. I'm not sure if it is the same meds in implanon, but worth checking into.