Leslie Sansone

Hi everyone!

I have the 1-5 mile of Leslie Sanson's walk away the pounds. Is there a schedule to follow? For everyone that has had success, how did you get this success? Did you use it everyday? Did you incorporate other workouts? What did you do?

I'm currently doing power 90 but recently my knees are starting to hurt so I thought I would give walking a try. However, I will still do strength training. I am thinking of alternating days of walking and strength.

Please provide any opinions you guys may have. I am trying new things as exam time for me is coming up and it always means stress eating, and I want to incorporate exercise still that is cardio and easy on the knees.

Thanks in advance!


  • I LOVE my WATP DVD's. Generally I try to get in one walk a day (no matter if it's 1 mile or 5). I don't follow a set schedule. When I did them a few years ago, I'd get up every morning and do the 2 mile walk before school. If you want to add some weight to your walk, use a couple of full water bottles. They work great! :) Oh...and WATP is a great if you have achy/hurt knees. :D
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I love this workout it is easy to do and enjoyable. I dont have a set schedule other then I either go to the gym, walk or do an exercise dvd 5-6 days a week, have fun
  • j99li
    j99li Posts: 421 Member
  • Interested in this topic because this is one of the wayys I exercise. Looking for friends. Not new to MFP, but new to being public about it. Down 12 pounds since I started a few months ago. I'm not a "talker" therefore I do not post all that much, but listen plently. It is what I do. So if you are ok with someone who is very interested , but tends to be quiet, please add me as a friend.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I just recently began doing the Leslie Sansone workouts and they are fantastic. I do the Family Walk one with the kids if they want to exercise and there are always a couple mile walks available On Demand. I also ordered a couple videos from Amazon so I have some variety. I've been doing her Walk Slim: Five Really Big Miles and love it. I'm trying to do at least two miles every morning (and work my way up from there) and as much as I have energy for in the afternoon. I'm shooting for at least two miles then too but if I can do more then great... yesterday I did 5 more. On weekends I only do the morning workout and enjoy the rest of my day with the family.
  • blueimp
    blueimp Posts: 230 Member
    Does anyone have a method for determining calories burned for the WATP workouts? I have a lot of DVDS with different workouts and differing intensities, but I have no idea how to put them into the cardio calculator. With the University closed for Winter Break, I will be using WATP over the holidays for the first time since I've been using MFP.
    Anyone who wants to may friend me. :happy:
  • helper1112
    helper1112 Posts: 80 Member
    I have been using her videos a lot because I too have knee problems. I have been alternating a walking only one such as the 5 mile fat burning walk or walk away the pounds walk and kick with the newer walk at home burn the body fat which uses hand weights. I use 5lb and 8 lb dumbbells with this workout and then go and do some free weights when I am done. I would like to do 5 or 6 times a week, but at my age or current level of fitness, I am finding that to be too much. I have been doing a walk day and then a weight day and then an off day and I try to keep to this routine. My off days I go for a normal walk around the block with the dogs, even on my on days I do this.

    Hope this helps.
  • helper1112
    helper1112 Posts: 80 Member
    Does anyone have a method for determining calories burned for the WATP workouts? I have a lot of DVDS with different workouts and differing intensities, but I have no idea how to put them into the cardio calculator. With the University closed for Winter Break, I will be using WATP over the holidays for the first time since I've been using MFP.
    Anyone who wants to may friend me. :happy:

    I always use a HRM when I do my exercise, that way I am getting the correct burn and times with my work out. I use the Polar FT-7 with chest strap. Feel free to add me as a friend, if you want or have any other questions just write me
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    Does anyone have a method for determining calories burned for the WATP workouts? I have a lot of DVDS with different workouts and differing intensities, but I have no idea how to put them into the cardio calculator. With the University closed for Winter Break, I will be using WATP over the holidays for the first time since I've been using MFP.
    Anyone who wants to may friend me. :happy:

    I had some trouble with figuring the calories too. For now I'm using the estimate she gives on her website. She estimates that you burn 100 calories with a regular mile and 125-150 if there is some kind of boost to it (weights, exercise band, 12 minute mile, etc). So, I've been figuring about 125 a mile to be on the safe side. However, I notice a big difference between miles... some I do really well with and others leave me huffing and puffing and dripping sweat so I can't imagine they are all the same calorie burn. Since her workouts are pretty much the only exercise I'm doing I just ordered a Heart Rate Monitor today to get an accurate count each time. Good luck!