Eating healthier vs exercising

Which was easier for you to form a habit with? Eating healthier or exercising more often?

I used to think that I had to change EVERYTHING at once to make this lifestyle change, but it really is baby steps that get you through it, in my opinion.

Lately, I've noticed that it has been easier to get into the habit of working out than it is to resist temptation and avoid the food that isn't the best for me (for the most part). I'm working on both though, slowly but surely!


  • StephnElbow
    StephnElbow Posts: 91 Member
    a healthy lifestye really must include both of them, but I know for me it is much easier to stick to an exercise regimine than a diet plan, etc. I have found, however, that if i plan my days and keep busy, I will accomplish both of them. Its when I simply sit around watching tv or something of the like that I eat what I shouldnt have.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    If you start exercising without eating healthier you will have to do it forever. I have learned to eat healthier and have loss weight without exercise. :drinker:
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,420 Member
    Eating healthier is much more difficult than exercising! I enjoy exercising (well, some of it) but I enjoy food too. I'm a moderation person though so I eat healthy a lot but do still have treats and the dreaded processed foods and takeout *gasp*!
  • stritte14
    stritte14 Posts: 52 Member
    I totally find it easier to exercise then stick to healthy eating. Since I had my last babe, I have allowed myself to take it slow...not put too much pressure on myself. I have really got in the groove of exercising & am now ready to really clean up my eating to get the last few pounds off.

    Good luck to you in establishing a way to incorporate both changes into your lifestyle.
  • zainabdice
    Eating healthier was much harder for me , when I first started working out I just couldn't bring myself to leave the junk food alone.

    It really is 70% nutrition 30% exercise. ( for me, at least)
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I started this journey doing food only (calorie count, portion control, substituting better choices [not perfect, but better] for the old really bad choices). Did that for awhile and saw good results and then added in exercise. Now both are becoming a pretty good habit for me. I like buying grilled chicken, salmon, and veggies at the store, can't wait to make my meals. And I look forward to working out most days even though it kicks my butt.
  • macylane4
    honestly your weight loss is 70% diet and 30% exercise...if you don't exercise your body will eat your muscle though....I say do the healthy diet, and work out when it is convient for you! I went from 6 days a week to now 2 or 3, and still losing the same!! Definatly diet is the most important!
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I personally think it depends on each person. Exercise is not 'in my blood' therefore, I have had a much more challenging time doing it. I have found though that after getting out and walking for the past few months, that I do enjoy it now and my body tells me I need to do it. Each time I have gone on my weight loss journey, food was always what I paid close attention to, not the exercise portion. This time around I'm working on both.
  • semhe
    semhe Posts: 81 Member
    for me, the exercising was easier to stick to, eating healthy can be seriously hard. To work out every day, all you gotta do is set aside the time and get started, but eating healthy involves making good choices and abstaining all day.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Exercise for SURE!!! Sometimes I stilllll can't resist temptations!
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I had no choice about the eating aspect of things. I HAD to change that. So I guess the exercise for me.
  • mrsdizzyd84
    mrsdizzyd84 Posts: 422 Member
    Eating healthier for sure.

    I've never really been one to eat a bunch of unhealthy things. My problem was always portion control. I am living proof that you can still get overweight by eating too much of a good thing especially if you don't exercise much.

    Exercising is a bit more difficult. I am not ashamed to admit that I have a bit of a lazy streak in me. Just getting out of the house to go to the gym can be a real challenge, but with the help of my husband I am getting my workouts in every week.
  • Manysongs
    For me it was definitely a gradual process. And the easiest was eating healthy. Yes, it was difficult to pass up on some goodies but at first that's what I had to do. Then slowly over time if I wanted something or craved it I would eat a little bit but not overindulge. I've always loved fruit and veggies so that wasn't diffcult but had to learn portion control.
    Now after many months exercise is finally becoming a habit and I am starting to LOVE it. I don't feel good if I miss a day. :)
    Good luck to you on your journey. :flowerforyou:

  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Exercise is the easy part! Eating right is the hardest part:sad:

    Unfortantly, it's 90% diet and only 10% exercise!
  • janetb21
    janetb21 Posts: 182 Member
    For me, it varies. Sometimes it's easier to exercise, sometimes it's easier to eat healthy. And sometimes it's hard to do both! LOL
  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    for me eating healthier was much easier than excercising. I started off my weight loss doing both, but since school got so hectic I stopped working out, but continued eating healthy and have still lost weight. I don't lose the two pounds a week I used to when I worked out, but I still consistently lose about .5-1 pound per week without excercise.
  • crux
    crux Posts: 454 Member
    I think diet is the number one thing that you should get right for the long term... It's the harder road, but the basis to everything.

    Even exercise is much more effective if your nutrition is good. Took me a year at least to get to where I'm happy with my general diet ( diet = what I eat not how many calories! ).
  • TecBrat
    I find it difficult to fit routine exersise into my busy life. I found it much easier to control what i eat. As far as resiting temptation, I intentionally give in to it from time to time, but try even on those days to come in under my calorie goal. Maybe I have pie, but then I have salad with with vinegar instead of dressing for supper.

    For exercise, I sometimes take one of my dogs for a walk, or whatever, but I just don't make myself exercise on a regular basis.
    (Lost 39 LB in 6 months.)
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    Exercise is easier for me. It's something I only have to do for an hour a day. Where as food is around me all the time.

    I eat healthy to lose weight. I exercise to have endurance, strength and good cardiovascular health.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Oddly enough, exercising seems to be curbing my unhealthy food cravings, at least for now. So I'm still eating what I want, but I'm wanting chocolate, caffeine, and sugar less often. I think cutting way down on bread products is making me feel better, too. Which means I have more energy to work out, which seems to curb the cravings for bread products, which...well, you get the idea.

    I just hope this keeps up like it is, because dieting puts me in a foul, foul mood and I refuse to do it for the sake of all those around me.