NSV? Forgot how my jeans used to fit =/

Can't tell if I'm having an NSV or not. My 14 jeans are fitting better, but I can't remember how they felt last year when I first bought them. I started wearing very loose-fitting clothing over the summer because if something didn't fit correctly in the morning, I wouldn't leave my house. Jeans stretch a little throughout the day so I can't remember if I just put on the tighter jeans and let them relax as the day passed. I got too used to wearing sizes that felt like sweat pants.

Has anyone else ever experienced this? Forgetting how a specific piece of old clothing used to fit when you were smaller?

Also having a "I-don't-recognize-that-person-in-the-mirror" sort of day (in a bad way). Sorry for being negative, I just thought some of you would understand. =/