Hi. I'm new here and looking for some supportive pals around the same age as me with similar goals! I'm a 24 yr old girl and I weigh 135 lbs at 5' 5". I'm not trying to lose anything drastic, I would just like to get down to about 120. I've been on here for about 6 days and I've been doing pretty well. (Except for last night when I indulged in some adult beverages lol) But as a general rule I try to stay around 1200 calories and work out 4 days a week. i'm pretty diligent except for saturdays and sundays when I loosen my calorie restriction a little bit or I'll go crazy. lol Feel free to friend me if your goals are similar to mine and we can be supportive buddies!
- Kazz <3


  • Hungry_Tuna
    Hungry_Tuna Posts: 361 Member
    Hi! I'm 26, 5'9 and currently at 174 trying to reach 155. Not a huge goal, but definitely looking to get in the best shape I can be! Feel free to add me. :)

    Best of luck!
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    Sending you a request right now - I'm 5'6" at 131 right now...trying to get back to my prepregnancy 120. Oh, and I'm 29.
  • jenna25
    jenna25 Posts: 213 Member
    You will love it on here, everyone is so supportive and encouraging! I have similar goals, im 5'6 and currently 126, goal weight is 120-123. Feel free to add me if youd like :)
  • djsysstem
    djsysstem Posts: 115 Member
    26 year old guy, would that work? :) Been on here for quite a few months and been pretty successful!
  • LoveLiveLift
    LoveLiveLift Posts: 459 Member
    Hey! I'm 23 and 5'7"...I'm currently 143 with a goal weight of 135ish. Feel free to add me if you'd like.