It's already working!

Hi everyone! Even though I've been using myfitnesspal to track calories for quite a while, I still think I was eating too much and not exercising enough. Well, less than three weeks ago I went to the doctor for a regular checkup and they said I had gained 20 lbs since my last appointment a year before! I was shocked because I was still able to wear the same pant size (although, admittedly, they were starting to look a little tight!) so while I felt like I had gained a little weight, i didn't know it was that much! It was a wake-up call that I had needed. I immediately started watching what I ate much more carefully and started exercising.

I've already lost 7 lbs and it has been so easy! I'm just watching my portions (and don't deprive myself) and doing workouts like the 100 workout and yoga. Last night, my fiance said that my legs were looking really great and he could see the muscles becoming much more toned! It was nice to hear someone else notice that I'm already looking better! And I feel so much better too! My goal was to lose 10 lbs by Christmas (starting at Thanksgiving) and I think that is more than doable, especially since it has been coming off so fast already!

This weekend has been my first setback, though. I had pizza late at night last night and didn't exercise that day, but I think it's okay to treat yourself every once in a while, as long as it's not too much or too often.

I can't wait to get back to the energy level and weight I had two years ago, and even a little beyond that! College and a fiance that likes to eat out all the time definitely did not do my body any favors, but now I'm ready to take it seriously!


  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    Congratulations on taking the first step.

    The weight does come off fairly easily at first, so please do not get discouraged in a month when it begins to slow down.
    Stick with it, and you will get the results you want.