treadmill v. eliptical



  • soymilkcoffee
    Try wearing weighted gloves while running? I've never tried this on a treadmill, but I do wear 1lb weighted gloves when working out and I found it helped tone my arms.

    I got this kit just for the gloves because it was the cheapest I found:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    i must have mispoke...i DONT want arm muscle. i want o get rid of arm flab. I want small lean arms...not muscular arms

    It's really hard for a woman to get big muscles.

    My arms are small and lean, and I go for heavy weights.

    "Arm flab" is the result of not having enough muscle in your arms. Muscle is more firm. More firm = less jiggle.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    i must have mispoke...i DONT want arm muscle. i want o get rid of arm flab. I want small lean arms...not muscular arms

    Unfortunately, your arms already come with muscle.. so you can't get rid of that.

    In order to get small lean arms, lift heavy weights and don't get a low body fat percentage.. simple.

    The elliptical/treadmill won't do anything for melting arm flab...hate to tell you.