Ruffles portion control :)

So I bought a bag of Reduced Fat Ruffles (and before you jump all over that, yes I know they're not part of healthy balanced diet - I'm a potatochipaholic) and I'm dividing the bag into my little sandwich ziplock baggies so that I never have an excuse to "accidentally" eat more than a serving and I actually got a full 8 servings out of the bag! I'm so shocked because it says servings per container: About 9. I don't think I have ever purchased chips/crackers/snacks that were that close to the approximate servings per container before and I'm curious if this is something new where Frito Lay is finally getting there labels right or if this was just a fluke bag? Anyone else have correct labels?


edited for spelling lol


  • DesertSunsetRain
    You can eat whatever you want as long as you are within your calorie goal. Foods aren't forbidden, there aren't some foods that just make you gain weight. No one is going to jump all over you for eating chips. I am glad that you have found a way that you can include them in your diet, portioning them out in baggies in a great idea.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Don't they fill them by weight? So it would be the same amount of potatoes but some might have larger or smaller chips so you wouldn't get the right number.
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    Can you really eat just one? hmmmmm? LOL

    I am a potatochipaholic too and I do the same thing. It helps me with portion control. And many times I find that a bag of pretzels or chips does not have the amount it claims to. Darn corporate conglomerates!