holy crap, just did my 1st day on 30ds!



  • LosingWeight2012
    LosingWeight2012 Posts: 62 Member
    I did my first day last week and it took me 3 days to try for round too. Day one left me sore. The next day time I tried, I left out the 3lbs weight and wow. BIG difference but it is day two again and I'm sore. At least I can get up off the toilet without help! lol. It is rough stuff. I think I need to wear a pad when I do the jumping jacks, my bladder has a mind of its own. This work out is killer. even if you can't do it every day in a row, don't give up. I'm not.
  • austepants
    austepants Posts: 356 Member
    I'm on level 2 of the shred and it is kicking my *kitten*!! In one week with Jillian I lost 1.5 inches off my thighs combined and 1/4 off my hips. Push yourself through it. Take measurements and pictures these will really help show your progress because sometimes the scale doesn't :) Keep it up!
  • baycat107
    baycat107 Posts: 165 Member
    Wow...I know it's good, but reading these posts has got me motivated to start 30DS again tomorrow! Thanks MFP posters!
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member

    What is the New Rules of Lifting for Women? I am also thinking of doing Ripped in 90; what do you recommend? I mean if you had it to do over again? Are there any tips or words of advice that you could pass along? Thanks!!!

    NROLW is a weightlifting book and program, geared specifically to women. It's about a 6 month program, but it changes things up fairly often. Well written; funny, even. Nutrition advice, too. It looks like a balanced program and has had good reviews. It is 3 sessions a week, 30-40 minutes with warm-up and cool down. Not a big calorie roaster, but I'm more about building lean muscle right now. I do a little cardio now and then, but it's not necessary in this phase. There is some interval training built in later on that will burn some cals, but now is for getting my body used to the new demands I'm putting on it.

    Ripped in 30 is 4 weeks, a different workout every week. I did it with one rest day each week. It is most of the same moves you'll see in the Shred, arranged a bit differently. She gets a little annoying in this one, though. Kinda preachy. But still the same great results and the 3-2-1 format.

    Supreme 90 Day is an inexpensive 90 day program ($20 for 10 workouts and a nutrition plan by Tosca Reno. Target, Walmart, even Dollar General has them.) It has a workout plan that switches you between weights and cardio, targeting different muscle groups on alternating days. Highly recommend this! The workouts are a little longer than the Shred; 35-45 minutes, but intense! The only drawback is the pace makes it hard to keep good form. I tended to keep the remote close so I could pause it and do the moves at my own speed, rather than sacrifice form to keep up with them. And the cardio and tabata are pretty much the same as the weight training, done much faster. I only did 2 months of this, cause LO AND BEHOLD, my couch-potato husband said he'd work out with me if I would do P90X with him. What'd ya expect me to do!

    I learned a lot from P90X. The warm-ups and cool-downs were routine-specific. (S90 had pretty much the same warm-up and cool down each session.) I used our cable-weight machine to do the pull-ups, which worked out well. I loved the KenpoX session; kick and punch training. Helluva burn on that one! Yoga was the hardest one (I KNOW, RIGHT?? But I'm tellin' ya the truth! My hubs whined like a baby, and we never did get all the way through it!) Plyo is rough, too; it's jump training. I didn't like that Ab Ripper was a separate workout, tacked onto the end of the strength days. I was usually too worn out to do it and blew it off. (It was built into the S90 routines; no way around it. Better setup, IMHO.) Tony is kinda funny, kinda lame. But he talks it up and keeps you interested. I still use some of the stuff I learned in the 6 weeks I did it. I may start it over and do it all when I finish New Rules.

    I had already planned on doing NROLW when I finished S90, but pushed it back to do P90X. Then, hubs wasn't seeing the results he hoped for from P90X and decided traditional lifting was more what he needed, so he found us a weight set, and I started the program 2 weeks ago. I've been sore, but it's a different kind of sore; it feels more like a pat on the back for a job well done. (With Jillian, it felt like a full-body *****-slap, but that was just my sorry, out-of-shape self!)

    In 2 or 3 days, you are going to hurt. Bad. Your calves and thighs will hold you hostage. Stairs will be your enemy, and you will dread going to the toilet. (I actually asked my husband if he would install a handicap rail next to ours.) You are sore other places, too, you just can't really tell because your legs hurt so bad. Do not let this convince you that you did too much!! If you have real pain, like injury pain, you should pay attention. But if you are just sore, even if you are REALLY sore, try to do your workout anyway. Promise yourself you will push play and do what you can. Odds are, after you get moving, you will feel better. It will warm your muscles and loosen you up. If you skip, you'll just have to go through the beginning soreness again. You don't want to have to do that!

    Up your potassium a bit. I liked half a banana around workout time. The sugar in it helps with energy, too. You want to up your water in a big way. Your muscles will pull in water to help with healing. Give 'em all they want; it helps. You will probably see your weight increase while you are really sore. This is just the water. After a week or so, they release the water and you get to see a good loss on the scales. Be patient.

    Make up a calendar for your workout. I loved crossing out a day, and seeing fewer days left to do. I hated to have to leave a day un-crossed, but I forgave myself for just one! Decide how you will reward your achievement, and write it on your calendar. It will give you a little extra incentive. (I enjoyed my 60-minute hot stone massage more because I EARNED EVERY DARNED MINUTE OF IT!) Join a group here; there's one starting about every minute! It helps to discuss/compare with others, and you are less likely to skip if you know you are going to have to explain it! You may not be the most fit, but you certainly aren't the least, and those folks are getting through it. You can, too!

    Keep your kids out of the room. My sweet, mild-mannered adult daughter was shouting obscenities at Jillian that would shame a sailor, and even threatened her life on several occasions. Just shocking! (But understandable. I would have, too, but I was out of breath at the time!) Above all else, HAVE FUN!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    honda 1300: 30ds is 30 day shred , it's a dvd buy jillian michaels from the show biggest loser. it's a great dvd, it's not like biggest loser but it's all about her being a personal trainer and pushing you to get into shape.

    well i woke up this am after my 1st day doing 30ds and i am a bit sore, not like what i was going to expect after hearing some of your guys stories. My calves and back of my thighs are sore probably from the squats and lunges. I did it without weights last night as i haven't got any yet, i am stopping today at teh store to buy some, so tomorrow might be a different story for my upper body,lol. excite to do day 2 tonight!
  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    When I first woke up this morning I really didn't think I was very sore; it was as soon as I started to do the workout this morning that I felt it. Today is day2 of level 1 for me. I took before pics and measurements yesterday before I started. Hoping to see a difference
  • watchursize
    watchursize Posts: 29 Member
    I have to dust off my 30ds after reading all the comments:) How many calories do I log it as though? Surely it must be 1000 LOL:smile:
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 692 Member
    Just wanted to thank Jarrettd for the awesome post about the different programs! People like you make MFP a great place to be! Sorry if that sounds corny; lol. U rock!!!:heart:

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  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    I have to dust off my 30ds after reading all the comments:) How many calories do I log it as though? Surely it must be 1000 LOL:smile:

    yes i would like to know too. someone told me to log it as 20 min circut training but it was a higher amount then i expected to see....
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    I have to dust off my 30ds after reading all the comments:) How many calories do I log it as though? Surely it must be 1000 LOL:smile:

    yes i would like to know too. someone told me to log it as 20 min circut training but it was a higher amount then i expected to see....

    20 minutes circuit training is what my daughter and I used before getting our HRM's. I was 170 pounds, 5'11", and MFP overestimated my burn by about 50 cals. It gave me 250-265; HRM was right around 200. My daughter was the opposite: 298 pounds at 5'5", and it way UNDERestimated her burn. Gave her 330-350, and she was cooking 450-475 by HRM. Of course, the estimator has no way of knowing how much actual effort you are giving a particular activity. You could be pouring it on, or "phoning it in" as Jillian likes to say, and it would estimate the same.

    For this reason, I wholeheartedly recommend a HRM. I got mine on amazon for about $40. Its a New Balance 4, and it's not real complicated to operate. AND, it has user-replaceable batteries, unlike some of the more expensive brands. I would have been lost without my HRM and my food scale!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    thx! i actually ordered one last weekend, i should be getting it any day now. I am excited to see how it compares to this site. Mine doesn't use a chest strap, so i hope it's as accurate :)