New Mom

Hi there!

My name is Bren and I just had a baby girl 3 1/2 months ago. I'm trying to lose the weight, but it seems to be stalling. I gained about 27 lbs during pregnancy, and although I've lost all of that, there is still 20lbs pre-pg that I would like to lose.

Each morning, I exercise...alternating one day of cardio, followed by wieghts/abs on the next day.

I eat healthy...I snack on apples, salad (no dressing), and other fruits that are available. My breakfast usually consists of Special K or All Bran cereal, lunch would be some boiled vegetables over a bit of rice, and dinner varies--sometimes some rice with chicken, or potatoes and some meat.

I live in India, so rice is the most common food, although I try not to eat much since I know that it is not nutritious.

I'm trying my best but getting frustrated. Please offer some support/advice! Thanks!


  • Nadyasmom
    Hi there!

    My name is Bren and I just had a baby girl 3 1/2 months ago. I'm trying to lose the weight, but it seems to be stalling. I gained about 27 lbs during pregnancy, and although I've lost all of that, there is still 20lbs pre-pg that I would like to lose.

    Each morning, I exercise...alternating one day of cardio, followed by wieghts/abs on the next day.

    I eat healthy...I snack on apples, salad (no dressing), and other fruits that are available. My breakfast usually consists of Special K or All Bran cereal, lunch would be some boiled vegetables over a bit of rice, and dinner varies--sometimes some rice with chicken, or potatoes and some meat.

    I live in India, so rice is the most common food, although I try not to eat much since I know that it is not nutritious.

    I'm trying my best but getting frustrated. Please offer some support/advice! Thanks!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I just know you will love it here, if you don't already. I love this site. It is so helpful, supportive, motivational, and everyone here is so nice, and friendly. I just wanted to tell you that you made the right choice in joining this site and good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this.
  • ibcausa
    It sounds like you are eating well, and taking good care of yourself. Good for you! But you might not be having enough calories. Are you tracking your food intake and counting calories? If you don't have enough calories, you will put your body into starvation mode. Especially if you are nursing, you need to make sure you are eating enough to support your body. Good luck!
  • Nadyasmom
    Thank you Laura!

    Just wanted to say way to go on your weight loss! 21 lbs is awesome! How'd you do it?