To log or not to log, that is the question............

I have reached my target weight and have pretty much stayed there for a few weeks. For those who have reached their goal weight...are you still logging your food and exercise? It is becoming pretty tiresome after 8 months!!


  • abbybean11
    abbybean11 Posts: 122 Member
    I haven't reached my target weight, but my opinion is - YES, keeping logging!!!!! I have seen way too many people get off track and gain all or more of their weight back because they just didn't realize how much they were eating. If you keep weighing yourself weekly and if you start going up a couple pounds, then you would have to start logging again anyway and you'd still be in the habit of doing logging every day.
  • Evieqvc
    I have one more pound before I hit my target weight. Will keep logging hoping I can lose a little more weight and keep track of the food I eat. Don't want to go over my calorie target!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • aquarianpixi
    aquarianpixi Posts: 131 Member
    if you don't want to log all the time, at least do weekly weigh-ins. If you gain more than 5lbs (to cover things like water weight and that time of the month) start logging again until you get back to your ideal. At least that is what I would do.