shirataki noodles

Has anyone heard of eaten Shirataki Noodles? Apparently they are supposed to be like pasta noodles (they look like mr. noodles) but are healthy for you and have 0 calories. I bought a bag but haven't tried them. It seems to good to be true as pasta is one thing I am having a hard time giving up. Let me know if anyone has any experience with them. Thanks


  • kmshred
    kmshred Posts: 393 Member
    totally seems too good to be true huh? i've been searching high and low for those suckers. yes they're awesome. eat and enjoy!
  • cherdan
    cherdan Posts: 162 Member
    If you cannot find them at your local/independent grocer, best bet is Asian markets.
  • kmshred
    kmshred Posts: 393 Member
    i live in asia!!!! they're impossible to find. we have thousands and thousands of other noodles.
  • cherdan
    cherdan Posts: 162 Member
    Ohh, I see. Well, damn. Hm. That's really weird.
    I was on the Atsu-Age (manufacturers) website the other day, incidentally, and they are no doubt a US-based company.
    Maybe, as an alternative, try the yam noodles? I've never had them, but when I was looking up shirataki, that kept coming up as a suggestion. They also supposedly have zero calories.
    I'm from Hawaii so this kind of stuff is very easy to find.
    On the other end of the spectrum, it's next to impossible to find authentic or regional Hispanic food here. (I eat much more of the latter). So, I feel your pain.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    If you have some, my recommendation: follow the instructions (if it has any) and make sure you wash, rinse, blanch, dry the noodles before eating them. They can smell fishy, but ignore that as they do not taste bad once they are added to your meal. The second thing I recommend is eating them with stir fries, with strong flavours. They absorb the flavour of stir fries and are not really distinguishable from other noodles (such as egg). I wouldn't eat them alone, and I tried them with a bolognese sauce and didn't care for it overly.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Oh and also you can buy them online at and other places too - they should ship internationally :)
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    Wow!! :happy:

    These sound incredible!! We eat a lot of Oriental food, so I am soooo going to be looking into these!
  • TerryBeeBee
    I have tried both the shirataki noodles and the yam ones... both are great.. but do make sure you rinse them in hot water. I use them in stir fries with some hoisin sauce or curry paste and they are delicious!! I am fortunate to have a few asian markets that carry them and I make a monthly supply as they go quickly in the markets. PS they freeze well too.... :happy:
  • kmshred
    kmshred Posts: 393 Member
    Oh and also you can buy them online at and other places too - they should ship internationally :)

    on it like a rashhhhhhh! legend.
  • driaxx
    driaxx Posts: 314 Member
    I tried them once with bolognese sauce, they were eatable.

    The second time they were okay.

    Third time with creme sauce I couldn't even finish one bite - and I was STARVING. I can usually eat anything when I'm starving.

    They're not for me! The slimy texture is just too much to swallow.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I tried them once with bolognese sauce, they were eatable.

    The second time they were okay.

    Third time with creme sauce I couldn't even finish one bite - and I was STARVING. I can usually eat anything when I'm starving.

    They're not for me! The slimy texture is just too much to swallow.

    Not a good pasta substitute. Stir fries are where it's at! I cannot emphasise this enough, hehe
  • Crimson_
    i buy it off, they are great for making with chicken and stir fry with veggies! they are a great side item, i would say its a good "pasta" substitute, it has alot different texture and taste but its still a very nice low cal food!
  • driaxx
    driaxx Posts: 314 Member
    I tried them once with bolognese sauce, they were eatable.

    The second time they were okay.

    Third time with creme sauce I couldn't even finish one bite - and I was STARVING. I can usually eat anything when I'm starving.

    They're not for me! The slimy texture is just too much to swallow.

    Not a good pasta substitute. Stir fries are where it's at! I cannot emphasise this enough, hehe

    Never even thought of using them in a stir fry! I need to try this..
  • karleen
    karleen Posts: 260
    whole foods has them. theyre a little weird. id rather just eat whole wheat pasta in moderation along with a nice run. if you have any problem with weird textures when it comes to foods than these are not for you. and they stink!
  • karleen
    karleen Posts: 260
    double post oops
  • lcorvette
    You can buy them on Amazon - where I find they are the least expensive. I LOVE them! Top with 4oz of chicken and some brocolli - DELICIOUS!
  • jill___
    jill___ Posts: 188 Member
    They sell them at most major grocery stores now -- and they're delicious!!!

    Just ignore the horrible smell and rinse/dry them before using! The smell will definitely throw you off at first, but it doesn't reflect the taste at all!
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    From their website:
    "If you've never eaten shirataki noodles before, try a small amount initially to ensure you won't experience any stomach or intestinal distress."

    Somehow, I still want to try them.
  • stefchica
    stefchica Posts: 257 Member
    i found them at my regular grocery store in the vegetbale area, where like the tofu is BUT they only had the tofu kind. the tofu ones have some calories but the true yam ones have 0 everything!! i'm guessing i didnt cook them right, or didnt dry fry them long enough, put them into a veggie stir fry, they were OK but still had that rubbery texture, i ate it, but the texture was weird. this time i bought the true yam ones at an asian grocery store here in VA and i'm planning on trying them this week. they dont taste like anything, except the sauce you put hem with, but the texture might throw you off a bit. i bought the spagettie sized ones and fine angel hair type so if i can remember, or if you want to msg me, i'll let you know how it turns out!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I have a bag of Tofu Shirataki noddles in the fridge - I found them at Harris Teeter in a refriedgerated part of the produce section along with other refridegerated vegetarian items (vegetarian faux-meat etc). The ones I found are 20 calories per serving or 40 calories for the entire bag. I have yet to try them. Keep chickening out. LOL Hungry Girl likes to use them in several recipes in the cookbook, I believe you can also check out HG recipes online.