Has anyone experienced wrong BMI estimates because of ethnic

I'm a Latina but currently live in Philippines. I remember 3 years back when I weighed 63.6 kilos or around 140 lbs. & at 1.57m (5'2") puts me at BMI of 27 & the physician told me that I was classified as obese class 1! Of course I couldn't believe it & felt like laughing because although I was indeed slightly chubby but never that fat to be considered even severely overweight not to mention that I was just a few kilos/pounds overweight (normal weight for my height is 62kgs/136 lbs.). In addition to that, I thought that obese is when you got a BMI of 30 & above. Today I'm what you can consider a lean person with a body fat of 21% based on BIA & a BMI of about 21.8 which is pretty much normal but a physician told me that my BMI is still quite in the "high normal" range & told me that if I exceeded the 22.9 mark, I would be considered "overweight". I couldn't believe it until now.

I know that BMI isn't that accurate in measuring fatness or health. I also do know about the Asian BMI thing & the ethnic differences in BMI but I absolutely have no idea how does it apply to non-Asians who happen to be in an Asian country. In addition to that, I have an athletic medium frame.