Has anyone experienced wrong BMI estimates because of ethnic

I'm a Latina but currently live in Philippines. I remember 3 years back when I weighed 63.6 kilos or around 140 lbs. & at 1.57m (5'2") puts me at BMI of 27 & the physician told me that I was classified as obese class 1! Of course I couldn't believe it & felt like laughing because although I was indeed slightly chubby but never that fat to be considered even severely overweight not to mention that I was just a few kilos/pounds overweight (normal weight for my height is 62kgs/136 lbs.). In addition to that, I thought that obese is when you got a BMI of 30 & above. Today I'm what you can consider a lean person with a body fat of 21% based on BIA & a BMI of about 21.8 which is pretty much normal but a physician told me that my BMI is still quite in the "high normal" range & told me that if I exceeded the 22.9 mark, I would be considered "overweight". I couldn't believe it until now.

I know that BMI isn't that accurate in measuring fatness or health. I also do know about the Asian BMI thing & the ethnic differences in BMI but I absolutely have no idea how does it apply to non-Asians who happen to be in an Asian country. In addition to that, I have an athletic medium frame.


  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    Yeah that doesn't sound right. I would switch doctors or have a nutritionist do a more accurate measure of your body weight to fat percentage than go off of BMI.
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    I thought 20-25 was considered a healthy BMI? so you're right in the middle
  • niknak0508
    niknak0508 Posts: 430 Member
    I'd consult a different doctor. You are well in the healthy BMI range 25 is the max healthy you can get at that range and you are under that. Sounds like your doctor needs a little update on their knowledge.
  • nenamartinez
    nenamartinez Posts: 140 Member
    I don't know if people in the philippines look like people in korea, but if so.. I'm not surprised AT ALL that your doctor said that!!

    People are called fat here, if they're anything but emaciated. Or have a big butt/boobs. Pretty ridiculous..
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I'm also 5'2". By American standards, you are roughly 2.5lbs overweight.