Christmas Dinner is around the corner.....



  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    I am going to stuff my face!!!

    HERE HERE!!! it's only once a year and i plan on enjoying it and not missing out on anything!

  • We sometimes have a moderate dinner mid afternoon. It's basically Thanksgiving all over again. Turkey, stuffing, potatoes, veggies, sweet potatoes, pies. We don't always do it-it really depends on whether we go to my IL's house or not. If we stay at our house, we don't unless we have someone coming (this year we definitely don't, and I don't know if we are going to the IL's in the afternoon or not).

    Our big thing is brunch. I make a huge spread after we open presents, while the kids play with their new stuff. I make pancakes, french toast, muffins, eggs, tofu scramble, [fake] bacon, [fake] sausage links, [turkey] sausage patties, fruit, and whatever else I can possibly find. lol I'll definitely eat, but I will try not to overindulge.
  • Christmas is always a time when my family over indulge in good food. I'm not going to change that this year, even if it means that I put on everything I've lost. Because on the plus note I'll be my original weight and not my original weight + Xmas indulgence! I'm going to continue with the exercise and maybe pump it up a bit in order to try and up the damage limitation, and that way hopefully not sway things quite so much. If there's one thing I've learnt since I joined this site is that there's no point viewing food as the enemy. You just need to be sensible and avoid depriving yourself of something you want, because THAT's what will lead to failure and self loathing.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I'm plan on making the most of it and I'll eat whatever's put in front of me! :P
    Christmas dinner is the best meal of the year so no tracking for me! :D
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    Is so hoping to keep under by being sensible, but as soon as those ‘pigs in blankets’ come out of the oven…..

    Hoping to get a couple of hours on the bike whilst everyone else is in church…or is that just too sad?
  • Vhovell
    Vhovell Posts: 286
    I've decided that if i reach my goal weight (5 more lbs to go) i can relax a little and not be really good...however, if i don't reach my goal i will be monitoring everything...

    We're having 4 Christmas meals this on the 14th, one on the 15th, one on the 25th and one on the 26th...i certainly know they won't be a larger portions as previous years though as i can't physically eat as much!!!
  • LauraHasABabyJack
    LauraHasABabyJack Posts: 629 Member
    We're hosting Christmas for the second year. Last year we did a garlic, spinach and chickpea soup and bison chili. This year we're putting out a baked potato and salad bar for dinner, possibly with a veggie soup as well. With toppings options, dinner can be as healthy or indulgent as each person chooses. Dessert is going to be s'mores with marshmallow roasting at the wood stove. There's so many kinds of marshmallows, graham crackers and chocolate bars, this will be fun! Our kitchen is very tiny and my oven is hit or miss so I'm keeping it simple.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    that all sounds really good! my family does Christmas pretty much like Thanksgiving, so we'll have ham, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, candied yams, deserts, deviled eggs, biscuits, etc! And I don't plan on counting calories that day. I didn't on thanksgiving and I still ended up losing after a few days so I'm not too worried about it!
  • kseltzer
    kseltzer Posts: 214 Member
    Bump for reading later :)
  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    We stay at home for Christmas so that the kids can enjoy their day and all of their new toys! We usually just have snack type food, meat, cheese and crackers, veggi tray, and TONS of cookies! I am planning on just enjoying the day and not worrying to much about what I'm eating! :happy: ~Jessica
  • eilis12
    eilis12 Posts: 75 Member
    Christmas menu for me is: turkey, stuffing (not exactly like the ones you do in the US), mashed or roasted potatoes, salad and gravy. Dessert will be the same as every year made-from-scratch tres leches cake.
    My family will probably have some tamales like the ones you buy in the supermarket but delicious honduran homemade tamales -different from mexican-.
    I'll miss the grandma always makes tamales since a lot of people like to send her tamales overseas or to the US and they always call to see if she's making some.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    I'm going to try and watch my portions and maybe make some changes to what we usually have (aka, regular baked potatoes instead of twice baked), but otherwise I am going to enjoy my holidays. I'm also going to be doing a ton of baking next week and I'm not going to deprive myself of a couple cookies... but I am not going to eat 5-6 in a sitting!

    I don't have a full menu yet as I am still deciding on a few things, but it'll look something like this:
    Prime Rib Roast
    Baked Potatoes
    Roasted Vegetables
    Another Vegetable
    Dessert of some sort.

    I'm also working on my New Years Day menu:
    Lobster Tails
    Grilled Shrimp
    Dessert (something light though)
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Christmas will be whatever my MIL decides. Usually turkey or Prime Rib. There will be fruits, veggie tray, and then it will go downhill from there to traditional family specialties. There will also be pies, homemade, excellent pies. I will start of with the fruits and veggies and then eat until I am comfortable like I did for Thanksgiving. I will be over, but not horribly.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    I'm just getting over my pre-thanksgiving dinner irrational freakout, now I have to start on Christmas?
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    going all out with excercise the day before and after. as for the dinner enjoy and not stress.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    going all out with excercise the day before and after. as for the dinner enjoy and not stress.
  • Nicoleo1
    Nicoleo1 Posts: 159 Member
    We (and by 'we' I really mean 'I') cook: Turkey, stuffing, gravy, cranberries, mashed potatoes, brussel sprouts, cauliflower and broccoli, cabbage with cheese sauce (my hubby's family insists -blehhh) and of course buns. For dessert we'll probably have 'broken glass dessert' which is jell-o, and cool whip on a graham crust.
    I will eat what I want, but I won't indulge in non-noliday food. Like mashed potatoes... It doesn't have to be a holiday for me to make them for my family so I could eat them on any day so I'll skip them on Christmas. (I don't eat potatoes anymore anyhow and have discovered that I don't even like them... they were just a more acceptable way to transport butter or gravy to my mouth) So I will probably also forgo the gravy, since I don't like it on the turkey... I'll make sure I have mulitgrain buns along with the white ones the family insists upon, and I will have dessert if I feel like it.
    My problem is the leftovers!!!! I LOVE turkey sandwiches -and I don't mean a slice of turkey with lettuce and tomato between hard as a rock whole grain bread... It will be a real trial to not make a turkey, mayo, cranberries and stuffin' sammy on WHITE bread while all the family is indulging on boxing day!
    I plan to take the dogs for long serious walks on Christmas Eve, Boxing Day and Christmas Day... This will help me get in some cardio and help the kids burn off some excitement and keep the dogs on an even keel...
    Now... if only I can stick to my grand plan!!!
    Good Luck everyone!
  • we have full on christmas roast at the inlaws on christmas eve. then full on christmas roast here on christmas day with my dad and our kids then buffet with my family boxing day so im planning on trying to stick to plan if i can, I will request a side plate from mother in law but with mainly veg nd decline dessert. christmas day i will do the same and have just a side plate but not deny myself anything as its the one time of the year we all sit and eat together, boxing day i will take a few of my own snacky sort of bits cold turkey salad, pickled onions, the real hard thing will be the dips and doritos they are my fave and nan gets them for me every year!!!
  • JennyDuffy
    JennyDuffy Posts: 45 Member
    To be honest the actual Christmas meal isn't the problem for me as not a great fan of Turkey (which we have)... It's the amount of alcohol consumed and snacks and choccies over the festive period that will up my calorie intake! But hey... when you haven't seen friends and family for nearly a year you need to enjoy yourself and join in the party! and why the hell not!
  • MrsGreen1985
    MrsGreen1985 Posts: 53 Member
    Going to do the usual christmas dinner.after all it only comes once a year and its the time of year to spend with family and friends so why deprive our selfs? My portions will be much smaller than usual.

    Im only doing this for christmas lunch tho.