Very frustrated this morning :(



  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    People kill me with the im going to starve myself thin diet.... People it doesnt work that way, youve got to eat if you want to lose weight!!! 600-700calories a day... no wonder your burning less and not losing any weight.... your body is in reserve mode.... it is holding on to ever bit of fat it can and only burning calories at a fraction of what it could be burning it you would just eat!!! Do your research and you will find that successful weight loss comes from eating healthy not starving yourself!!!! And FYI if you really want to burn more calories and fat... get off the elliptical and start lifting weights!!!! Hello..... Muscle burns fat!!!
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    Thanks for your support guys :) And I know I'm probably going to take a beating for this... but no, I'm only eating about 600-700 calories a day... I know that that's not healthy... but it is only for a month... until the trip... then upping the calories to about 1200... I know that I should probably eating more... but the semi-starvation diet is the only way I can seem to really jump start weight loss fast.

    The semi-starvation diet?

    DOES NOT sound healthy in the least bit... even for the short term. Please eat more and think of this more of a lifestyle change..not something just to get in before a vacation....and lastly please try not to go down the road of comparing yourself to others. it won't end happily.

    good luck!
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    Well to clarify... drastically cutting calories has really worked well for me in the past if I need to loose weight quickly... I'm I haven't actually been weighing myself for a while since I know that I've put back on some of the weight that I'd lost... and I know myself... If I gain a pound I want to just give up so have done away with weighing until my cloths are down a size... so it may still be working but it is just frustrating.

    See, what you've done is yo yo dieted and messed up your metabolisim. That's why it's not really working this time.

    The issue here is you're looking at this whole thing all wrong. You're looking for a quick fix. There IS NO quick fix to permanent weight loss. It's a lifestyle, something you do every day, something that you are dedicated to and have reasonable goals for. Not something you do just for a cruise.

    My advice: get your butt off the eliptical and start REALLY working out. Eliptical doesn't work you out very well. Start doing some high intensity intervals, weight training, take a class at the gym, MIX IT UP! Your body gets used to one kind of activity and starts to not be as productive at it as it can be. And for God's sake eat.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Don't look at this as an exercise in being thin enough to go on a cruise, that's only going to make you miserable when you should be enjoying the planning and packing and anticipation.

    Start eating well and exercising moderately and you will be feeling healthier and stronger in a month's time and you will be able to enjoy your cruise knowing that you starting on a lifetime of being healthy.