help wanted..

ok thoughts / ideas help wanted
32 yo male, 190ish ( seems s to go up/ down 3 lb daily) 5ft 8 inch 2410 to maintian.. 1770 bmr..
intake for awhile has been 2200- for 3 weeks now, average calories burned everyday for cardio is 800, some days as much as 1250.
active most of the day..
I have followed most of the advice given here.. to include setting my intake to 2250 with a split of 40/40/20 which was advised recently o be set at 40 carb/35 protein/25 fats as fat was under 50 grams ea day.

My goal is to lose about 20 lbs.. firm and tone. for healthier lifestyle..

I am looking for ideas.. should I increase my calorie intake?
Decrease effort in cardio?
Basically any help or suggestions are welcome..


  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    are you eating your exercise calories? MFP has you set up with a deficit to lose weight at your chosen rate of loss (0.5, 1, 1.5 or 2 lbs) before lifting a finger in exercise.

    That said with 20lbs to go you likely should be shooting for 0.5 lbs a week, and fine-tuning.
  • Larius
    Larius Posts: 507 Member
    2410 - 2200 = -210 Calories/day. 3500 / 210 = 16.67 days to lose 1 pound. That's rather slow and doesn't leave much margin for error. Also, at that rate, water weight variations will make any change undetectable for a month or more.

    I had great results with a 500 Calories/day deficit which from what you're saying would be 1910 Net Calories for you.

    The scale is a fickle mistress. Take waist measurements with a measuring tape to better see your results.
  • mlh29
    mlh29 Posts: 40
    I think I am misunderstood..
    I eat a flat 2200-2250 a day. which up until 3 days ago was at a 40/40/20 ratio of carbs,protein,fats. With the foods available I am usually under my goal by around 100 calories as I will max out protein or carbs first .
    My maintain is 2410,, So I am at a deficit of about 160-210 everyday.
    I do not log my exercise in the program.. after advice from some others here to set a calorie goal and make sure not to get extremely under the 1000 deficit ( which I was doing for over 6 months before MFP with an average of 1150 a day and in excess of 1500 burned in cardio everyday alone) It has taken alot to be able to eat 2200 a day again ..
    I exercise throughout the day( this isnt counted yet as HRM is on the way) mainly doing push ups, dips and using a sledgehammer on a tire with a goal of 20 min on tire, a min of 100 pushups and 100 dips a day..
    I do record in my food note the cardio I do .. Usually a min of 800 / 1 hr each night, with a max of around 1250.. but only started doing so recently as I usually forgot to get back on and log it in the note.

    so on a light day I eat 2200, subtract 800= 1400 which is about a 1000 deficit
    on a heavy day I eat 2200-2250, - cardio of 1200-1250= 1000 total ish which takes me beyond a 1000 deficit...

    Add to this a suspected bmr of 1770 and I am confused as many say do not eat below BRM
    I have been trying to ensure I am not at more than a 1000 deficit everyday but some days it is rather hard to eat as much as needed.
    I have noticed a size/ shape change but am looking to lose weight as well.. allowed 179 in the Army before tape, hovering between 188 -194 pending time of day water intake etc. I usually drink between 8-10 17 oz waters a day.. no soda, no alcohol,
    After reading all of the dont starve yourself etc threads here I am just curious if I should be eating more? or cutting the cardio back to 4-5 days instead of 7 ?

    Thank You