Any successful phentermine stories?



  • simon5555
    I totally agree with robinpickles. Diet and workout simple to the point and effective. My wife used to take Phentermine 37.5 (read more: and she also has gained her weight back. Those pills cost a lot of money but work just for a short period of time
  • jackie101773
    Please helpppp !!!! I was never really the person who ate all day or bc things where in front of me. However I know when I did get hungry and eat I made bad choices - fast food, processed , same dinner portion as my husband ( typically ate 2x a day very early and then dinner) I also was drinking 3 cups of coffee a day w 5 sugars and flavored creamer along with a redbull and fruit juice in my day.
    I have been on phen 37.5 since aug 15th its a little over 2 weeks now and I see only 3lb loss and I changed my eating drastically. I habe drank only.1 cup of decaf coffee in tje mornings (around 7am) no redbull or juice at all and im drinking two of the 1 liter bottles of poland spring at work everyday and only water at home maube another 2 or 3 reg size poland spring . I go to the gym 4x a week totaling 5-6 hours a week I push myself as far as I can go on the elliptical and treadmill im burning between 300-400 calories everytime I go. I began eating much healthier no white bread rice . I eat a healthy breakfast egg whites or oatmeal and a protien bar . Lunch is usually a salad or tuna on no bread and dinner I eat strictly the portion size of whatever it is for dinner . I input my calorie intake on my fitness pal and im always under 1000 cals a day. The phen is absolutely making me less hungry. I know 2 people who had amazing success on the phen .. but im not :-( the only side effect I have from the phen is constipation . I had to take a dulcolax yesterday bc I hadnt had any bowel movement in almost 5 days. When I started the phen it was a week before TOM .

    Im just very confused on how this works. ... if im.not hungry should I eat ? And when I do it eat and am eating healthy low carb low sugar and trying to get as much protien in as I can Why is it now working? This is all very depressing .... I dont know if my metabolism is to slow or what...also what can I do to avoid the constipation and not retain water ?. my weight right now is 249 im 5'7 my goal is 200 -180 someone please helppppp
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    It's definitely worked for me. I started taking it seven months ago at 162 pounds, 5 foot 1. I am now 120 pounds. What will be a challenge for me is keeping up the healthy eating and exercise habit. My doctor is weaning me off, over six months. Rather than abruptly stopping it. It makes sense to me. I want to keep the healthy lifestyle.