I can't do this anymore!



  • grmpy1
    grmpy1 Posts: 462 Member
    Thank you, each and every one of you. I am stuck in this rut, but with every comment that was made today, including the messages I received, I saw a different side to what I was going through.

    I have been at this for quite awhile now, over a year and way before MFP, but it is these message boards that have kept me on track. Yes, I ate some of the cookies and I drank some milk, but when I got done I got on my treadmill. I am still mad at myself for eating the cookies, but I know I will be eating cookies for the rest of my life. Just as I will be counting calories the rest of my life.

    I still am not sure I can do this anymore, but I do know I can do one thing at a time. And today, I got back on my treadmill...and as a promise to myself..... I got rid of the cookies that I know my husband won't eat!
  • dy617
    dy617 Posts: 76 Member
    I just joined MFP today, but I have been on the weight loss journey for quite some time. I know many have already shared their thoughts and feelings of being right where you are, so I will only add half of my two cents. You have come so far! Take this time to celebrate your accomplishments--maybe even write down two or three things you have done that allowed you achieve your success to date. Then write one tiny thing you can do to get moving again. Maybe you will decide to only eat one cookie, or you will decide to get some fresh air (if possible) and walk your neighborhood. It may help to clear your mind and help you to refocus. Don't beat yourself up, but trust yourself to take care of you. I hope this helps!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • i dont think there's anything wrong with having a couple off days. i'm not too proud to admit i've been able to pack away 2 trays of chips ahoy and milk in a day. the thing is, to not allow a day to transform into a week of bad choices. dont beat yourself up, your only human, and cookies taste good...

    but when i'm feeling that "dont give a damn anymore" phase creeping up, i simply stop debating wether i should or shouldnt. i simply stop thinking about how much i dont want to do it, and resolve that wether i like it or not, it's going to happen. like putting on your shoes before you leave the house, or brushing you teeth, know that you will not lay back in bed until you've gotten those 30 minutes of intentional excersize out of the way for the day. and if you dont want to do 30 minutes, do 20, hell take a 15 minute walk on the treadmill. when you walk for 15 minutes just say "hey, why not i'm halfway there, i'll just do another 15 minutes". and before you know it, your back on track. :) there's no shame in going back to a slow routine when your just not feeling it.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I started on MFP a couple of years ago. After my first 40 lbs lost, I was feeling super. Then I was hit by loss as well. I felt like you described. I had no motivation to do anything.

    I stayed that way for a year. I didn't gain that much, because of what I'd learned on MFP, but I wasn't losing anymore either.

    Then, when I was ready, I came back. I found my way and my motivation again.

    There's so much well-intentioned advice on this thread already, but my 2cents is you should be kind with yourself and deal with bereavement in the way that is best for you. When you are ready to come back and get your motivation back, you will. Until then, give yourself the room to grieve.
    Best wishes to you:heart::flowerforyou:
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    Thank you, each and every one of you. I am stuck in this rut, but with every comment that was made today, including the messages I received, I saw a different side to what I was going through.

    I have been at this for quite awhile now, over a year and way before MFP, but it is these message boards that have kept me on track. Yes, I ate some of the cookies and I drank some milk, but when I got done I got on my treadmill. I am still mad at myself for eating the cookies, but I know I will be eating cookies for the rest of my life. Just as I will be counting calories the rest of my life.

    I still am not sure I can do this anymore, but I do know I can do one thing at a time. And today, I got back on my treadmill...and as a promise to myself..... I got rid of the cookies that I know my husband won't eat!

    Way to go! I know you can do it - you've already started! Every big achievement is made of one thing at a time. :) *hugs* :)
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Even though I'm not going through what the OP is............this thread has been marvelous to read!

    I never thought I WOULD be ready to do what I'm doing now. I've been here since mid August.......and have realized a few things about myself:

    I can do this.
    I need help sometimes.
    I am not on a DIET, and will never BE on a diet.
    Even when I hate it, I still want to do it.

    So, darlin', I sure hope you got the inspiration you need........and that you remember to take it ONE DAY at a time (or hour or minute or second.) You've come too far to let it all go........and you won't. I think inside you know you won't - you just needed to HEAR it from a buncha other people.

    Hugs to you.............you'll be fine
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Oh, and Grmpy1 ...........
    we are the same age - I just looked at your profile.

    That is, until tomorrow :glasses:
  • I once read "You will not regret exercising but you will regret not exercising." Just remember how great it felt to know that you were loosing weight or getting in shape by running on the treadmill. I know how you are feeling right now that it is easier to just say "no, I don't really fell like it, maybe tomorrow." I promise you one thing though you get back on the treadmill routinely, you do the workout and you will feel better about yourself instantly. Once you see your progress from your treadmill workout "in calories" you will begin to remember what it takes to get rid of the bag of cookies. After a while of getting back into the workout and diet routine it will become just that an routine and you will stop thinking about the "maybe tomorrow". Good Luck I know you can do it! You just have to believe in yourself and push yourself to jump that initial bar again and stick with it.
  • I've been there ...one get rid off the junk ...throw them out.. give them away.. do whatever you have to do to get it out of the house ...as far as the treadmill ..when you are ready ...make it 2 mins at a time ..make small goals ..when my father died I ate or drank ...because I didnt know how to deal with sadness pain unsolved things...you have already done the right thing is write it out by asking for help...I PROMISE it will get better...Teas and crunchy foods like bell pepper ..popcorn ..apple..carrot ...things that make sounds when you eat them make you fill up...and MFP
  • thurberj
    thurberj Posts: 528 Member
    You have just been through a very sad and exhausting ordeal. I know only too well since I have suffered many losses in the last few years.....It takes a lot out of you and gets your emotions and resolve all out of sorts!!

    First be patient with yourself. Look at those pictures of you before you lost the 50+ pounds. Think about the increased energy that you have......your not totally there but you have made great progress! Think about your MFP friends who care about you so much and are there for you on the good days and the not so good days!!!!! Think about your improved health and how you have been able to get off some medication.

    I could go on and on, but mostly I know you are not a quitter!! You won't quit and we won't let you because right now fatigue and sadness are talking, not the real you! You have helped others so much and now you need to lean on us to help you see that you are so worth it and your health and quality of life are attainable and so important!!

    I love you my friend!!!
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member

    I actually know how you are feeling, and I am so proud of you for coming out and saying something.
    I lost my mom and my mother in law and father in law, then a few uncles all with in a year. My hubby and I ended up gaining weight till I hit 283lbs. I tried to stay strong for my hubby and we just kept gaining weight.

    I know there is nothing that is going to make your loss any easier but time. Just know you are not alone and there are people who know and understand what you are going through. We are all happy to be here for you and if you ever want to chat or anything else I am personally happy to be your crutch when you need me.

    I know I said this before, but I remember how hard it was for me to say I needed help, I am so proud of you for saying something, you are stronger then me :happy:
  • I am so sorry for your loss. You have helped me so much from day one and for that I am very grateful.Take the time you need to grieve and remember your friends are here for you.
  • Majunta
    Majunta Posts: 575
    Yes you can!