New here :)


My name is Nicole. Im 27 (almost 28). I live in Ontario Canada. Im about to embark on my second half of my weight loss journey! My starting point was September 2010. Me being a mere 5'1' and weighing in at 197lbs was tough to swallow. I had always been a slender ( at some points unhealthy thin) teen and younge adult. Just looking at myself in the mirror would bring me to tears and the fridge. it was time i took charge or my life and live it. I have 2 sons and want to creat good eating habbits for them and myself (hubby to) also i want them to have a positive body image! i dont want them to take what i was feeling ( ashamed, self loathing, worthlessness) and project it onto them. Love the body your in!!

August 2010 we had a huge family reunion. I felt embarrassed! September 2010 we attended a family wedding. Had a new outfit, had my hair done and felt ok. well the wonderfulness of facebook hit! tons of pics (that some "lovely" family member taged me in!!) of myself and oh there was alot of me! that was it! Thank you for posting those...Im going for a walk. and walk i did!! I started out walking half an hour and as fast as i could handle. sore feet and blisters my wonderful hubby got me some great runners. New runners i hand (or on foot) i walked more and more. Top about an hour as i do have 2 little ones at home and my Husband works nights....

1 year to the date (september 2010-2011) changed my eating happid (no more goldfish crackers!! ) I still eat normal meals but have traded my junky snaks for ice water and veggies. ( love snowpeas) as i was saying...One year to the day I lost 57 lbs!

Now I start again! At 160lbs (to much thanksgiving yummyness) my goal is 120ls. I do NOT have a date set for when i hope to acheive this just that is my goal weight and if it takes me 5 years then thats fine with me. Ive decided that watching what I eat and only walking ( small amount of jogging) just isnt cutting it anymore and ive plateaued<- no idea how to spell that!lol Ok ive hit a stand still in my weight loss so im introducing calorie counting and cardio into my life!!

I dont have alot of support in my weight loss journey except from my hubby and kids of course so i thought i would try my luck here and have a place to share my sucesses and perhaps my falling off the wagon.

would definitly love to share my journey and support others in theirs :)

Best of luck to us all!


  • TheeNewMC13
    TheeNewMC13 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi nicolemommy2boys!

    Greast post. Congrats on the weightloss!! I am hoping to lose some weight as well. Hope this works out for the both of us!