Low Carb headaches



  • tolkienlady
    tolkienlady Posts: 23 Member
    OK...FIRST of all...Mr. Troll...we are talking INGESTED carbohydrates. Not BLOOD CHEMISTRY!!! Stop confusing these people. THEY know what I'm talking about. YOU know what I'm talking about. AND THAT IS...the body does NOT need you to EAT...I repeat EAT carbohydrates. THAT is what we are talking here, and everyone OTHER than a troll who is here to purposely confuse rather than help attempts to twist communication. We are talking about a LOW CARB DIET. NOT BLOOD CHEMISTRY. NOOOOO the body does NOT require you to EAT carbohydrates, and since THAT is what we are TALKING about...leave everyone alone. THEY understand what I meant...and...so do you. I will NOT reply to a troll anymore. My point has been made. You REALLY don't want to get into a biochemistry argument with me b/c you will lose, AND...NO ONE HERE wants to read it anyway. I will no longer respond. Everyone else understood my meaning...you don't need to EAT carbs.
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    :flowerforyou: if you are induction, you shouldn't be consuming anything with sugar alcohols BUT I believe you can choose to track them in MFP settings. If I am wrong, my apologies and I recommend just tracking the sugars then.

    As for the headaches, I am low carb lifestyle to control insulin resistance by diet and exercise. When I began I cut down to a very low carb intake for the first 3 weeks. It killed all cravings and kick started my success nicely. Headaches were an issue. I wish I had started taking Chia Seeds then.... I eat them in my yogurt daily (now) but in the first weeks, had I known of them I would have put them in salads or just drank then in water. Since I began using them I have not had a single migraine... this comes from a lifelong (I missed school in kindergarten because of migraines) sufferer.

    Just my experience, I won't give them up now. 1 tbs daily and the good that has come from using them far outweighs the negatives they have helped fix.
  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    Interesting reading:

    Metabolic Effects of the Very-Low-Carbohydrate Diets: Misunderstood "Villains" of Human Metabolism:


    Edit: I have never done "low carb" myself, but it is still interesting reading :smile:
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Interesting. Maybe I'm having the same problem. I made really healthy choices last week and have been having headaches. I thought it might be the weather but maybe it's the sudden lower carbs. Like you, I'm not "no carb," just much lower and switched to whole grain stuff. I hope you feel better without having to eat bad stuff again.

    I thought it was the weather too! Because it's bloody freezing here and I've been walking my dog for over an hour outside. I just assumed it was the cold that was giving me headaches, and not my low carb. I'm trying to stick around 150g of carbs a day. Hmm...interesting.
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    This happened to my brother with the headaches. You need to add more carbs to your diet. Your body needs carbs. Just make sure they are healthy carbs. You will see the headaches go away when you do this. Pain is your bodies way of telling you that something is wrong.

    Yeah, there is something wrong and that his her body is addicted to using carbs as a primary fuel source and wants to continue down that unhealthy road.

    Reducing her carb intake to where she is now is better for her not worse. 50-100 grams a day is plenty for anyone.

    One of the ways to combat the carb withdrawal headaches is to up your fat content. This will also help calm carb cravings too.

    Someone on MY side! Thanks! I have been eating fats, I just started this on Saturday, so it's the beginning...I've done thie WOE in the past, and the headaches subside in about a week.

    Be sure to balance our fats though so you don't spike your cholesterol. try to balance between all meat sources to get all the varience of fats you need.
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    According to Dr. Natasha Turner, NPD flu like symptoms and headaches are common the first few days of lowering your carbs or changing up your food choices.

    If you just started last Saturday this would make sense. Hope it goes away soon.

  • theplatypus
    I think the amount of carbs you need depends on how active you are. Maybe for someone who doesn't exercise or is sedentary doesn't need many carbs, but someone who expends a lot of energy everyday (runners, bikers, etc) needs those extra carbs for fuel. I tried going "low carb" to drop weight while training for a half marathon and had no energy when I went for a run. I did this for 2 weeks so my body should have adjusted. Once I ate more carbs I felt way better and could make it through my longer runs. Also, carbs are NOT bad for your body; there are good and bad carbs. Carbs have been given such a bad image because people only think of food with refined white flours and tons of sugar, but there are whole grains out there that your body breaks down slowly and don't spike your blood sugar. So I believe people should not be afraid to eat carbs, unless they have some pre-existing medical condition that would cause them more harm than good if they did.
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    The first few days I was having headaches and would take a few sips of a juice or put about a teaspoon of sugar in some coffee to stave them off. I think I did this for 3 days, then was totally fine, so a "weaning" worked for me.
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    ....Excess protein eaten while on a low carb diet will be converted to carbohydrate or fat for storage. That is why it is important while on a low carb diet to calculate how much protein you need and not go excessively over. So...the perfect low carb diet would be "enough protein to maintain and/or build muscle (if lifting weights), and low carb (which amount depends on your insulin resistance level - which is usually never more than 100g per day) Current research does say that a 1:1 ratio carb to protein also promotes fat loss IF you are exercising or lifting weights, BUT you will need to reduce calories on the 1:1 ratio, and the weight loss will be slower. All research validating this info can be found on PubMed

    THANK YOU! I did not know this and I greatly appreciate this information. I have no trouble following and sticking to my low carb lifestyle. I maintain between 50 and 75 NET carbs per day, sometimes lower than 50 but VERY RARELY will it ever reach 75 much less go above. I did not know that bit about protein being transferred to fat for storage. I have been doing very well where I am but this will definately be something I keep an eye on when I go into maintanence soon...
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    No. The body does not need carbohydrates. EXCESS protein is converted to glucose for fuel (if needed) or stored as fat (if not needed). Just b/c the body will convert protein to carbohydrate when in excess doesn't in any way mean it NEEDS to do that. That logic isn't accurate. That's like saying b/c the body stores excess calories as fat that the body NEEDS to store excess calories as fat. If the body always did what it NEEDED then no one would ever be obese. The body can survive forever without carbohydrates. This is just the way it is. The body will either survive on ketones if fat is kept high, or make it's own glucose if fat is low. This is much to difficult to explain to the lay person on a forum post. It took me two years to learn all this I'm telling you in a few paragraphs...but...If you would like to split hairs...or would like a detailed study on biochemistry I suggest "Biochemistry" by Voet & Voet. It explains everything. You COULD also set up an appointment with John's Hopkins university and they will help you understand ketogenic diet and beta oxydation. I'm NOT here to argue but to help others dig out of misnomers who are on the low carb diet.

    So having a blood glucose level of 0 would be perfectly fine since your "The body can survive forever without carbohydrates" got it, learn something new everyday

    You are being annoying, rude, redundant, and difficult to a fault. So stop, please. The sarcasm in this post is noted and not necessary. I live low carb and within a few short months of changing my lifestyle and eating habits, my doctors were commending me on my success losing weight AND getting my bloodwork moving in the right direction QUICKLY. I was off diabetis meds within 3 months of going low carb, have matained healthy glucose blood levels since, brought my triglycerides and Cholesterol levels into normal healthy ranges, have been taken off my blood pressure meds, have more energy than I have ever had, AND my general attitude toward rude people is mcuh more appropriate than it once was. But you sir are being ridiculous for the sake of nothing more than arguing and ruffling feathers. Move along if you don't agree. You asked for back up and got it from a medical student. Unless you are going to share some facts of your own and back them up, feel free to not comment.
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    @msitarilde...he's not a "troll"...he's just a "run of the mill goblin".

    For OP, and others, you are experiencing something called the Carb Flu. When you cut your sugar and carb intake drastically, you will get headaches, fatigue, and sometimes achy legs. Drink lots of water, take your multi-vitamins, take some Excedrin. Should pass in a few days if you stick to the low-carb. But, eating carbs or drinking sugary drinks to make you feel better will just delay the problem if you truly intend to follow a low-carb lifestyle.

    Good luck!
  • lolabluola
    lolabluola Posts: 212 Member
    Are you drinking enough water?
    Make sure you're eating enough. A big bowl of spinach with some chicken and cheese and a big glass of water always hit the spot and helped. It will go away. just make sure you're getting healthy foods and enough of them when you cut out all the other stuff. At the begining I was very tired with a tired headache as well. (I"ve been doing 'low' carb meaning cutting out basically flour and sugar for a year now so that's long gone and it only really lasted a few days I think a lot of it was in my head)
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Are you drinking enough water?
    Make sure you're eating enough. A big bowl of spinach with some chicken and cheese and a big glass of water always hit the spot and helped. It will go away. just make sure you're getting healthy foods and enough of them when you cut out all the other stuff. At the begining I was very tired with a tired headache as well. (I"ve been doing 'low' carb meaning cutting out basically flour and sugar for a year now so that's long gone and it only really lasted a few days I think a lot of it was in my head)

    Love your before/after pics! When did you start and are you doing low-carb only, or is that a result of cardio exercise or weights? Combination? Great job!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    No. The body does not need carbohydrates. EXCESS protein is converted to glucose for fuel (if needed) or stored as fat (if not needed). Just b/c the body will convert protein to carbohydrate when in excess doesn't in any way mean it NEEDS to do that. That logic isn't accurate. That's like saying b/c the body stores excess calories as fat that the body NEEDS to store excess calories as fat. If the body always did what it NEEDED then no one would ever be obese. The body can survive forever without carbohydrates. This is just the way it is. The body will either survive on ketones if fat is kept high, or make it's own glucose if fat is low. This is much to difficult to explain to the lay person on a forum post. It took me two years to learn all this I'm telling you in a few paragraphs...but...If you would like to split hairs...or would like a detailed study on biochemistry I suggest "Biochemistry" by Voet & Voet. It explains everything. You COULD also set up an appointment with John's Hopkins university and they will help you understand ketogenic diet and beta oxydation. I'm NOT here to argue but to help others dig out of misnomers who are on the low carb diet.

    So having a blood glucose level of 0 would be perfectly fine since your "The body can survive forever without carbohydrates" got it, learn something new everyday

    You are being annoying, rude, redundant, and difficult to a fault. So stop, please. The sarcasm in this post is noted and not necessary. I live low carb and within a few short months of changing my lifestyle and eating habits, my doctors were commending me on my success losing weight AND getting my bloodwork moving in the right direction QUICKLY. I was off diabetis meds within 3 months of going low carb, have matained healthy glucose blood levels since, brought my triglycerides and Cholesterol levels into normal healthy ranges, have been taken off my blood pressure meds, have more energy than I have ever had, AND my general attitude toward rude people is mcuh more appropriate than it once was. But you sir are being ridiculous for the sake of nothing more than arguing and ruffling feathers. Move along if you don't agree. You asked for back up and got it from a medical student. Unless you are going to share some facts of your own and back them up, feel free to not comment.

    You threw out your credentials, so I simply asked if you could survive without carbs as you had stated. Congrats on your weightloss though and I'm sure losing weight had zilch to do with your improving blood markers of health, it was solely from low carb.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    OK...FIRST of all...Mr. Troll...we are talking INGESTED carbohydrates. Not BLOOD CHEMISTRY!!! Stop confusing these people. THEY know what I'm talking about. YOU know what I'm talking about. AND THAT IS...the body does NOT need you to EAT...I repeat EAT carbohydrates. THAT is what we are talking here, and everyone OTHER than a troll who is here to purposely confuse rather than help attempts to twist communication. We are talking about a LOW CARB DIET. NOT BLOOD CHEMISTRY. NOOOOO the body does NOT require you to EAT carbohydrates, and since THAT is what we are TALKING about...leave everyone alone. THEY understand what I meant...and...so do you. I will NOT reply to a troll anymore. My point has been made. You REALLY don't want to get into a biochemistry argument with me b/c you will lose, AND...NO ONE HERE wants to read it anyway. I will no longer respond. Everyone else understood my meaning...you don't need to EAT carbs.
    I think I love you. :love:
  • lolabluola
    lolabluola Posts: 212 Member
    Are you drinking enough water?
    Make sure you're eating enough. A big bowl of spinach with some chicken and cheese and a big glass of water always hit the spot and helped. It will go away. just make sure you're getting healthy foods and enough of them when you cut out all the other stuff. At the begining I was very tired with a tired headache as well. (I"ve been doing 'low' carb meaning cutting out basically flour and sugar for a year now so that's long gone and it only really lasted a few days I think a lot of it was in my head)

    Love your before/after pics! When did you start and are you doing low-carb only, or is that a result of cardio exercise or weights? Combination? Great job!

    Thanks!!!! A mixture of the three (weights/cardio/low carb) but the low carb had more to do with it than the exercise - I was working out at the before pic but skipping lunch for the birthday cake and skipping some calories to fit in the pizza to get my calories to fit in - so cutting out sugar and flour and having extra veggies instead of fries or potatoes at dinner or a salad instead of a sandwich at lunch (low carb) accounted for most of it - The after pic is like 12 or so pounds ago I think. I feel so good without eating all that crap!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    OK...FIRST of all...Mr. Troll...we are talking INGESTED carbohydrates. Not BLOOD CHEMISTRY!!! Stop confusing these people. THEY know what I'm talking about. YOU know what I'm talking about. AND THAT IS...the body does NOT need you to EAT...I repeat EAT carbohydrates. THAT is what we are talking here, and everyone OTHER than a troll who is here to purposely confuse rather than help attempts to twist communication. We are talking about a LOW CARB DIET. NOT BLOOD CHEMISTRY. NOOOOO the body does NOT require you to EAT carbohydrates, and since THAT is what we are TALKING about...leave everyone alone. THEY understand what I meant...and...so do you. I will NOT reply to a troll anymore. My point has been made. You REALLY don't want to get into a biochemistry argument with me b/c you will lose, AND...NO ONE HERE wants to read it anyway. I will no longer respond. Everyone else understood my meaning...you don't need to EAT carbs.

    So perhaps there is a difference between dietary carbohydrates and carbohydrates? Imagine that
  • TomPerry1
    As a newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic I visited a dietician who told me I had cut down too far on carbs. She indicated that I needed at least 100 g per day or I would get headaches. I went up to the 100 level and the headaches stopped. Have lost 18.4 lbs in just under 4 weeks so far so I feel the carb level for me is correct.
  • LowcarbNY
    LowcarbNY Posts: 546 Member
    You are being annoying, rude, redundant, and difficult to a fault. So stop, please. The sarcasm in this post is noted and not necessary.

    The Ignore User selection works wonders on problems like this.
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    You are being annoying, rude, redundant, and difficult to a fault. So stop, please. The sarcasm in this post is noted and not necessary.

    The Ignore User selection works wonders on problems like this.

    Actually, I think I've figured out what's going on here. Acg67, who I will just call Ace from now on, fancies himself our savior. He must believe that we've all been led astray by the False Prophets of Nutrition and Diet, Dr. Atkins, Dr. Cordain, Dr. Sears, Taubes and their ilk. We need a'saving, and ole Ace is gonna save us! Why else would he troll our den of iniquity, the low-carb posts?