stop smoking

Is there anyone else on here who is trying to quit smoking while watching what you eat? I quit smoking 2 days ago, I am using the patch to do it, but I still find myself wanted to eat more, I bought some sugar free candy but this is very difficult, I don't want to put back on any of the weight I lost but I definately don't want to be smoking anymore either. I use to love to run when I was a kid and I use to be really good at sports, I would love to be able to do all of that again. Looking for any others going through this also for support.


  • KaraP18
    KaraP18 Posts: 145 Member
    I have only quit smoking for about 4 months now, and I understand exactly what you are going through. Food tastes so delicious again! I gained 10 pounds when I first quit and that is what actually inspired me to start exercising again. You can add me as a friend if you like. I do want you to know that I didn't really start feeling normal again for about a month and a half. You just have to keep pushing through and remember that the cravings will stop!
  • jessashcher
    Thank you both for your posts and I signed up for the quit smoking group, I am going to give it 110%.
  • Leslietheriot
    Leslietheriot Posts: 303 Member
    I quit smoking and started MFP at the same time. It is hard but I think its better than trying to quit and gorging on food and then trying to take the weight I have done in the past. And so far I have been more sucessful than in the past. Good luck to you!
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Congratulations on deciding to quit. More power to you!
  • wendyw8
    wendyw8 Posts: 86 Member
    I just quit about three weeks ago and I found that it is easier for me to go cold turkey with lots of gum and white grapefruit juice (not PInk) and cinnamon toothpaste and mouthwash. I just use use one of those whenever i have a craving. It has worked so far, the only time i slipped up was when I drank.
  • wendyw8
    wendyw8 Posts: 86 Member
    And congrats on quitting!!!!
  • Is there anyone else on here who is trying to quit smoking while watching what you eat? I quit smoking 2 days ago, I am using the patch to do it, but I still find myself wanted to eat more, I bought some sugar free candy but this is very difficult, I don't want to put back on any of the weight I lost but I definately don't want to be smoking anymore either. I use to love to run when I was a kid and I use to be really good at sports, I would love to be able to do all of that again. Looking for any others going through this also for support.

    I know smoking reduces hunger and food cravings - so its only natural to feel hungrier. Jennifer Aniston recently quit smoking as well and actually gained 5 pounds because of it. But look at her - she's still smokin' hot!
  • goodasgoldilox165
    goodasgoldilox165 Posts: 333 Member
    Well done! The picture on your ticker suggests that you might have very good motivation for sticking this out... I wish you long life and happiness together:drinker:
  • Soozie1978
    Soozie1978 Posts: 138 Member
    Congratulations on quitting and doing one more thing to improve your health! I can't answer for myself as I have never smoked. I got sick around my big brother, who smoked since he was 12. He finally quit for his sons when he was about 40. I remember he would suck or chew on flavored toothpicks to give him something to do with his mouth and hands until he could get past the cravings. Hope this helps. I wish you all the luck in the world:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Congratulations. Two big changes that will improve your quality of life for the rest of your life. That's great!
  • kittyann76
    kittyann76 Posts: 4 Member
    First of all I wanted to say Congratulations on quitting smoking....Thats the best thing a person can for themselves to get healthy. I have smoked for over 15 years and on DEc 18 2011, it will 15 months of smoke free. When I stopped smoking, I wanted to lose weight also but I felt that my health of not smoking was more important at the time than gaining some weight. i knew that once I had my non smoking life under control, I could focus on the weight loss part. I did gain weight from not smoking and so March 2011, i decided that it was time to get my weight under now I have lost 26 lbs lost since then, Im doing it slow and steady...All Im saying is that dont beat yourself up if you gain some weight while quitting smoking...Trying to stop smoking, I think is the hardest thing a person can take it slow and eventually your weight loss and quitting smoking will happen they way you want it to:)
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    I smoked my last cig on friday and put the patch on as well I had used the patch before and I was successfull for 8 months and got so down in the dumps and pick up cig and runied 8 months of hard work. I am confident that it will work this time since it work before I had even made to the point were I stop using the patch and was truelly nictione free Feel free to add me as a friend on here since we are going thru the same battle and determine not to gain weight like so many others do when they quit I have an app on my phone and when get that urge to smoke it has 3 min count down according to the app no crave last longer then 3 min I watch the clock count down and till its over and crave is gone I am sure if its a mental thing or just redirecting my attention to some thing else but it works for me I also have game on my phone were cig fly in the air and you chop them half its kinda lame lol I use to smoke when I was bored but much better then eating candy I think
  • Silverhillbilly
    I quit smoking 16 days ago. I have found that with my increase in appetite, I have been eating tons of vegs and fruit. They full me up and I don't want to smoke afterwards versus Pizza, etc.

    Congrats - keep going - the first week is the worst, it gets better afterwards. I lost 5 pounds last week non-smoking!
  • ConkreteChic
    ConkreteChic Posts: 72 Member
    :happy: Wow! I'm amazed at everyone on here who is quitting or has already quit and stuck it out. I am actually getting up the nerve to quit and you guys are a big inspiration. Feel free to add me if you want some support with both weight loss and quitting
  • SarahAbear
    Congrats on quitting smoking! I myself just quit a month ago. I realized that smoking is slow suicide. Why would I want to cut my wonderful life short? When a craving hits I take a quick walk or make sure to stay busy. Doing nothing during a craving is dangerous because you have time to think about wanting to smoke. It's easy to forget that cravings, although they are very intense, don't last long. Replacing exercise for smoking is your best bet. I don't know if I could have quit smoking without it.
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    bump..need 2 quit