


  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    make sure if they are banding any hemorrhoids that you take lots of sitz baths post op, it was a god send for me to heal up and get back to myself.
  • WillUAre
    WillUAre Posts: 81 Member
    My lost was 3 lbs.
  • Would one expect to lose weight after taking the prep and before the actual procedure? Reason i ask is i am having one soon and it falls on the same day i get weighed at a slimming class.. be good if i'm mega light before the procedure, and a bonus too hehe.. I need the procedure as i have the bowel cancer gene :(
  • Mof3wc
    Mof3wc Posts: 126 Member
    Would one expect to lose weight after taking the prep and before the actual procedure? Reason i ask is i am having one soon and it falls on the same day i get weighed at a slimming class.. be good if i'm mega light before the procedure, and a bonus too hehe.. I need the procedure as i have the bowel cancer gene :(

    You're very brave to plan to be somewhere before the procedure....once things start moving they don't stop for quite awhile. Make sure you begin early enough the night before that you'll be finished long before your weigh in. You don't want to be running for a bathroom.

    But yes, you should have some weight loss. Not only will you be totally empty, but usually you're not allowed to even sip water for hours before the procedure.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Just curious about something related to colonoscopies (not sure if that's the plural form of colonoscopy or not!).

    Does the prep for a colonoscopy clean out everything in your large intestine, even if it's been compacted there for several years, or does it just clean out what you've eaten in the past day or two before the procedure?

    Also, if the prep does clean out your entire colon, have some people experienced dramatic weight loss from the event?


    Concerned, soon to be violated by a colonoscopy scope!
    I've a colonoscopy done before. You just fast and take this laxative stuff to clean out your colon so the doctor can see everything he needs to see.

    The colonoscopy clean-out method is not something to be used for weight loss. You can harm your body because it usually involves the use of laxatives.

    You certainly lose water weight, but it comes back once you start eating normally.

    That said, a day or two after mine I went for a run at the gym, and that was the best run I'd had in a long time. I felt really light.

    Things returned to normal after about three or four days, though.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I thought you weren't supposed to have one until you're 50+? Why are all these young people having one, or why do you guys know so much about them!?

    It depends on your health. For example, I had to have one before 50 due to a problem I was having.

    I believe my aunts had to have colonoscopies prior to 50 due to my grandfather getting colon cancer when he was younger.
  • Would one expect to lose weight after taking the prep and before the actual procedure? Reason i ask is i am having one soon and it falls on the same day i get weighed at a slimming class.. be good if i'm mega light before the procedure, and a bonus too hehe.. I need the procedure as i have the bowel cancer gene :(

    You're very brave to plan to be somewhere before the procedure....once things start moving they don't stop for quite awhile. Make sure you begin early enough the night before that you'll be finished long before your weigh in. You don't want to be running for a bathroom.

    But yes, you should have some weight loss. Not only will you be totally empty, but usually you're not allowed to even sip water for hours before the procedure.

    I had a call to say they had a appointment available so i know my health is important so off i shall be trotting, literally!... I have my first prep on Tuesday pm and then next at 6am on the wednesday.. weigh in is 9.30am!! i'm hoping by then, the majority will have left me on the Tuesday.. I shall make sure i am near the toilet though, just incase xx
  • brashz
    brashz Posts: 9
    I thought you weren't supposed to have one until you're 50+? Why are all these young people having one, or why do you guys know so much about them!?

    I've been going every 3-5 years since I was 19. I'm now 37. I also have a family history of colon cancer as well as stomach cancer so I have the added bonus of a gastroscopy at the same time.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    I ended up getting sick for about 8 hours after my procedure because of the sedative they gave me.

    You can do them without anaesthetic, too. I've had 2 that way and I didn't find it any worse than menstrual cramps. Since they always have you hooked up to an IV anyway they can probably give you some if it gets bad (I've heard that if you have unusual twists and turns and adhesions it may be painful). It's also pretty interesting to watch on the TV if you can get over the "yuck" factor.

    I didn't weigh myself before and after but I agree that any weight loss is temporary.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    I ended up getting sick for about 8 hours after my procedure because of the sedative they gave me.

    You can do them without anaesthetic, too. I've had 2 that way and I didn't find it any worse than menstrual cramps. Since they always have you hooked up to an IV anyway they can probably give you some painkiller if it gets bad (I've heard that if you have unusual twists and turns and adhesions it may be painful). It's also pretty interesting to watch on the TV if you can get over the "yuck" factor.

    I didn't weigh myself before and after but I agree that any weight loss is temporary.
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    I was SOOOO disappointed when I did the purge the day before. I was expecting gum and steak and the like to come out.
    I think there are a lot of wives tales out there that just aren't true.

    I was surprised to learn that your intestines make mucus =-P
  • Territravel
    Territravel Posts: 165 Member
    Cleans out everything! I lost 6lbs.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    I'm fasting today for the prep tonight for an appointment tomorrow. The problem is we're forecast to get anywhere from 6-14" of snow, and if the office closes, I don't want to do the prep for nothing! I'm inclined to reschedule the appointment, but they are supposed to call me today if they think the weather will be too bad. So, one last cup of coffee and then into fast mode...
  • Supadoopafly
    Supadoopafly Posts: 248 Member
    I'm fasting today for the prep tonight for an appointment tomorrow. The problem is we're forecast to get anywhere from 6-14" of snow, and if the office closes, I don't want to do the prep for nothing! I'm inclined to reschedule the appointment, but they are supposed to call me today if they think the weather will be too bad. So, one last cup of coffee and then into fast mode...

    Best of luck. The cleaning out and fasting was the easy bit for me. The camera going up into my bowels was painful around the corners and felt like a very bad/painful case of wind. They were prepared to sedate me, but I refused; sometimes it's good to feel pain.

    P.S - I felt wonderful after the cleaning out ... I really didn't want to sully my innards with food again. LOL. If only I could do that clean every three-six months or so.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    I'm fasting today for the prep tonight for an appointment tomorrow. The problem is we're forecast to get anywhere from 6-14" of snow, and if the office closes, I don't want to do the prep for nothing! I'm inclined to reschedule the appointment, but they are supposed to call me today if they think the weather will be too bad. So, one last cup of coffee and then into fast mode...

    Best of luck. The cleaning out and fasting was the easy bit for me. The camera going up into my bowels was painful around the corners and felt like a very bad/painful case of wind. They were prepared to sedate me, but I refused; sometimes it's good to feel pain.

    P.S - I felt wonderful after the cleaning out ... I really didn't want to sully my innards with food again. LOL. If only I could do that clean every three-six months or so.

    I'm going to let them knock me out. I had another "invasive" procedure done about a year ago, never again. A crowbar with a staple gun on the end is what I think he was using...
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Just curious about something related to colonoscopies (not sure if that's the plural form of colonoscopy or not!).

    Does the prep for a colonoscopy clean out everything in your large intestine, even if it's been compacted there for several years, or does it just clean out what you've eaten in the past day or two before the procedure?

    Also, if the prep does clean out your entire colon, have some people experienced dramatic weight loss from the event?


    Concerned, soon to be violated by a colonoscopy scope!

    Yes it cleans everything out.

    Don't sweat it too much - the prep isn't too bad (advice get a tub of Vaseline in - it saves the soreness).

    Also the procedure itself is NOT painful and tends to be over before you realise.

    Really don't fear it, it's not that bad.

    Good luck with it and I hope the outcome is an all clear!