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  • zviolinick
    Welcome to MFP! I can't say I have the same fitness goals as you because I am a guy and I have already lost my weight, but I am still striving to be better athletically! I haven't really bothered using these forums or friending people in the past, but I might as well start! Good luck with your goal and I know you can do it!

    I have some fitness goals too...I am a runner and have done several 10k races and a few half marathons. I also started cycling this past summer and participated in a 100k ride. I want to have my fastest times this spring/summer and maybe compete in a sprint triathalon. What are some of your goals?

    Wow, that's awesome! I ran my first half marathon about a month ago and it felt great. My next goals consist of running a marathon (I am more worried about the eating part of it than the actual race itself) and getting down to about 7 or 8% body fat to really define my abs. I've never cycled before but I have parents that are avid cyclists that are always trying to get me to start haha :).
  • gaylelynnbell
    gaylelynnbell Posts: 248 Member
    I'm wearing a ski mask and rubber gloves, but you can add me if you like!