New here

Hello ...

I'm a busy 37 year old work-at-home mom - run the third largest equestrian organization of our type in the nation from my home office.

3 years ago I got divorced. That was after a three year battle to lose the baby-fat and get fit. I had 2 gym memberships and met with a personal trainer twice a week and was totally over-doing the exercise/gym tying trying to get 'happy' - but, after the divorce was legally settled, I didn't have any money for the gym or the trainer ... at that point, I had lost 110 pounds and was in a size 8/10 weighing about 170.

Fast forward a bit ... my boyfriend, who has never had to battle his weight nor been with someone battling, moved in with his yummy food and couch potato habits and it was easy for me to slip back into eating the wrong foods and too much and much more fun to be on the couch next to him watching tv ... so here I am, gained about 50 pounds back because I allowed myself to be wined and dined and spoiled with backrubs instead of pushing away and doing a run or even walking ...

Because of that same boyfriend, I have a huge supporter at home who is trying ... recording the biggest loser on TV for me every week and after last week's episode, I now have an elliptical and a spin bike (spinning is my zen) and I created an account on here so that I can take control in a reasonable way. I'm looking for other people who are like me - "it's all or nothing" type-A, overacheievers, because I'm looking for someone to 'call me on my crap' and to support / be supported. It's hard for me to take it from him - because he's so close and/or because I'm embarrassed ...

I put the app on my cell phone in hopes that I can stick to logging my food and watching it even if I get busy ... Would love to hear your stories and to give / gain encouragement.

Thank you!


  • cindy859
    cindy859 Posts: 99 Member
    Hi well you did it once and you can do it again--you do not need the two gym memberships and a personal trainer to lose weight and become fit, all you need is the want to do it. Will send you a friend request. I too have always been an all or nothing type of person that is until I came here. You too will learn that sometimes all or nothing is not always the right way to do things.
  • PrincessCorinne
    PrincessCorinne Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you, Cindy! I'm all or nothing with just about everything in life and working hard to balance it all!! For example - have not ridden my horse since July after riding 5x a week ... all or nothing! I'm aiming to start to ride 2x a week and be happy with that :-)