Ladies 250-260 now or was this weight



  • colwellk
    colwellk Posts: 19 Member
    I'm surprised no one has mentioned water aerobics. I'm 5'11" and started at 280 (not with MFP). For the first few months, I did a vigorous class of deep-water aerobics three times a week. After awhile, I added jogging because I wanted to get some exercise that wasn't zero-impact for bone-strengthening purposes. But the water aerobics was amazing for me because you can sweat and you don't get too hot. That was a significant hindrance to me when I used to get overheated really easily. I'm now 214, after taking a year-long adjustment break (maintenance) at around 230.

    I also have PCOS.
  • seasonalvoodoo
    seasonalvoodoo Posts: 380 Member
    I did Couch to 5K as soon as I decided I wanted to lose weight. Thought I would die that first week, but it got easier! I was 258 at the time.
  • SarahBrown1979
    SarahBrown1979 Posts: 229 Member
    I started out doing the tredmill but then I had made it a goal b4 my wedding day I wanted to lose at least 90 lbs, (I have alot to lose!) My gym offers a free trainer and she put me on this machine she calls "the beast" its like an eliptical but much harder! She told me I could do 15 mins on that then the reg eliptical 15 mins and then the backless bike for 15 mins. But me being competive I was going to do 45 mins that day on the Beast! Once I finished my 45 mins she said "since u can do 45 mins then u gotta continue 45 mins on that machine, so far I've lost 22 lbs total and I've stayed true to "the beast"! Since then I've bumped it up to 50 then 60 mins and if i miss a day I try to make it up with extra mins each day. Since being on MFP out of that 22 lbs I've lost 14 using this site! Each week i will set a "mini" goal for myself and it can be anywhere between a goal of how many mins I can get done in a week, miles, or cal's. Normally with Cal's I normally do as a mini goal for the day, if I see that I'm close to 600 then I'll shoot for 620 or whatever. I now have learned to LOVE "the beast" and don't even think about the other machines. Which btw is great on your joints, low impact with BIG results!! Good luck and add me if you'd like, I love getting and giving support!!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    I started at 247... with walking in my lunch break and Wii Zumba.

    Moved on to some Zumba classes, No More Trouble Zones then Turbo Jam.

    I now do Turbo Fire and ChaLean Extreme.... with a bit of Zumba (DVD) thrown in.
  • oliviak2012
    I weighed 260. I am now down to 248 within a couple weeks. I started walking here and there. But honestly I didn't see much results until I started really pushing myself. I would walk for a bit and then sprint. Another thing is to work on strength training. Really build up your muscle, and that will help you be stronger and more able to do harder cardio workout.
  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 424 Member
    I started out walking as well. Still do a lot of it as a matter of fact. Would love to help support you in your journey. I'm always looking for new friends on here. You can do this!
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I started at 275lbs, and I started with Zumba and BodyBalance at my local gym.

    I moved on to BodyPump twice a week and a 1/2 PT session that make an hour by walking/stretching afterwards. I'm currently at approx 230lbs.

    I'm really enjoying BodyPump, and try and stretch myself by upping my weights on a regular basis.
  • sunnydays33
    sunnydays33 Posts: 181 Member
    I started at 255.2 and now am down to 170 since March! I swear by neighborhood 2.2 mile loop went from taking 50 min to 35 I really push it now.

    I'm pretty active playing sports, so I like to do some sprints mixed in with the walks now. LOVE playing frisbee and riding my bike, all of which are FREE!!

    I have done a lot of water aerobics in the past and depending on the instructor and how hard you push yourself, this is a great low-impact option. I just started 30DS this month and its kickin' my booty. Day 5, Level 1 so far.

    You got this girl, just keep moving!
  • AmyJo54915
    Leslie Sansone...Walk Away the Pounds was my lifesaver...15-90 minutes a day.

    Yes! This!!
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    I started out with walking. I would walk daily and try to add to my distance and then walk that distance faster. Then I added step aerobics and finally joined a gym. You can do this. I have lost 105 pounds in 10 months.

  • bllowry
    bllowry Posts: 239 Member
    I started by walking 15 minutes daily as I have RA and Osteo arthritis in my knees. My son gave me his elliptical and I've now worked my way from 3 minutes to 30 minutes on level 1 (the inclines kill my knee). I bought a 7 speed bike in September and it has really helped with my endurance, and I'm now going up hills I struggled with in the lowest gears with either not shifting, or just shifting 1 gear down. I highly recommend cycling as its quite addictive.
  • Rjdj3530
    Rjdj3530 Posts: 154
    I started at about 275. I adjusted my diet to lose to 248 and then I did C25K. At around 197 I joined the gym and now I do Bodypump, Boot Camp, Spin a few other group classes. Group classes are great motivators.
  • Learnin2LuvMe
    Learnin2LuvMe Posts: 465 Member
    I started out at 242,walking worked for me,and I would do Tae bo for 10 to 15 mins,45 mins was way to much for me,ive lost 60 lbs within a yr,i would increase every took me 4 months to finally do 45 mins of Tae will get easier the longer n stronger you get!
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    My highest weight was 273. When I started working out, I jumped in full force and started training for a 5k and doing a boot camp class. I also did kickboxing. My favorite by far was kickboxing. It about killed me but the stress release was amazing. I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA DIE!!!!! I did couch to 5k and started out running for like 1 minute intervals. I would sit there and watch the clock and wheeze and every single bone and muscle in my body throbbed. The first day I went to boot camp I threw up. My knees hurt, my ankles hurt, my hips hurt. I was so sore I could barely move. But I did it!!! And I'm glad I pushed through all that because today I am in much better shape. I know I still have alot of weight to lose, but I can hang in there with people I would consider to be athletes!!! So far I am down 89 pounds with another 30 to lose to my goal. I would say start slow but really, its gonna be hard when you are carrying around extra weight, and I find it better to get the hard part over as fast as you can, so push yourself and know IT WILL BE WORTH IT!